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41 Cards in this Set

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Gram positive cocci in clumps is a typical formation for which microorganism?
Staphylococcus spp
Lactrodectus mactans is the Latin name for what?
Black widow spider
What is the test used to detect the presence of antibodies directed against RBC antigens?
Coombs test
Migratory thrombophlebitis that arises due to malignancy is named after who?
What organism causes Chagas' disease?
Tyrpansoma cruzi
What is the most common form of leukemia in children?
A developmental abnormality composed of disorganized cells or tissue native to the site it is in is known as what?
Normal histologic tissue that occurs in the wrong place in the body is known as what?
Choristoma (ex: Normal pancreatic tissue in the intestines)
Leser-Trelat sign indicates possible malignancy with the sudden appearance of what?
Multiple seborrheic keratoses
A translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 is most characteristic of what type of cancer?
CML (Philadelphia chromosome)
A translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 is known as what?
Philadelphia chromosome
What hematologic factor increases significantly during allergic and parasitic reactions?
What is the myeloproliferative disorder characterized by excessive RBC production?
Polycythemia vera
What virus is associated with Burkitt's lymphoma?
Epstein Barr virus
A translocation between chromosomes 8 and 14 is associated with what cancer?
Burkitt's lymphoma
What enzyme is responsible for the inactivation of penicillin class antibiotics?
Beta lactamase
What antibody class is involved in the secondary response to an antigen?
A 42 year old man presents with weakness, DOE, and midthoracic back pain. On PE he was found to have vertebral tenderness on palpation and pallor. Labs reveal hypercalcemia, anemia, ESR elevation, and an elevated creatinine. A bone marrow sample reveals plasma cells predominantly. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Multiple myeloma
What protein found on urinalysis is commonly associated with multiple myeloma?
Bence Jones protein
A 5 year old child whose family lives in a dilapidated house presents with lethargy and cognitive defects. The mother reports that from time to time the child ingests paint chips. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Lead poisoning
Wrist drop in a lethargic child with developmental delays is indicative of what condition?
Lead poisoning
In what site are aged and damaged RBCs destroyed primarily by macrophages?
Deficiency of what vitamin is most likely to produce a bleeding disorder?
Vitamin K
A 54 year old male recovering alcoholic who is also being treated with Coumadin for DVT develops an elevated prothrombin time after being prescribed a new medication as part of his rehab. What is probably the new drug?
Disulfuram (metabolized by CYP450 as is Coumadin so enhances effects)
What antibody class is the main antibody in secretions (e.g. saliva, tears, GI secretions)?
What would be completely absent in the peripheral circulation of an infant born without a thymus?
Pellagra is a deficiency of what vitamin?
Niacin (Vitamin B3, nicotinic acid)
Coagulation factor VIII is also known as what?
von Willebrand's factor
Birbeck granules are found in what cells?
Langerhans cells
Which immunoglobulin is implicated in the development of allergic reactions?
What antibody class is involved in the primary response to an antigen?
Reye's syndrome is associated with the administration of what drug in children?
Fever, conjunctival injection, erythema & swelling of palms, soles, & lips, skin exanthems, and lymph node enlargement are seen in what disease?
Kawasaki disease (may also see strawberry red tongue)
The influx of what ion is normally seen with cell death due to ischemia?
Negri bodies are pathognomic for what disease?
What are the vitamin K dependent clotting factors?
2, 7, 9, 10
A starry sky pattern on a bone marrow smear indicates what?
Burkitt's lymphoma
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, K
Patients with Hemophilia A are deficient in which clotting factor?
Factor VIII
About how long is the lifespan of a human RBC?
120 days
What are the granules seen in the body of erythrocytes after splenectomy?
Howell Jolly bodies