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57 Cards in this Set

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What is the most common cause of contact dermatitis in the USA?
Universal irritants - soaps, detergents, organic solvents
What is the most common dermatologic manifestation of Chediak-Higashi syndrome?
Partial albinism
Skin atrophy, Dawson's palms, yellow coloration of the skin, subcutaneous nodules, episcleritis, and nail ridging are indicative of what condition?
Rheumatoid arthritis (Dawson's palms are erythematous palms)
Discoid lupus primarily affects what system?
A 50 year old male presents with a well demarcated erythematous plaque with silvery-white scales on his elbow. He also has arthritis and onycholysis with pitting of the nail plate. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 26 year old African American male has a benign skin lesion removed. Six months later, he presents with a large, hypertrophic mass of tissue, which appears to be invading surrounding normal tissue. The biopsy specimen is significant only for scar tissue. What is this lesion referred to as?
A severe form of seborrheic dermatitis seen in infants is called what?
Leiner's disease
Wickham's striae are pathognomic of what condition?
Lichen planus (white lines)
Erythema nodosum commonly presents on what area of the body?
Shins (lower legs)
Accutane may increase what substances?
Triglycerides and cholesterol
CREST syndrome includes what 5 features?
Calcinosis cutis, Raynaud's phenomenon, Esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia
What is the most common soft tissue tumor?
A 19 year old woman presents with a painful diffuse erythematous rash. A low grade fever and sore throat had been present for several days. 2 weeks earlier, the patient had been given TMP/SMX for an upper URI. On exam there is blotchy erythema on the trunk and proximal extremities as well as crusting of the lips. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome)
What skin cancer is least likely to metastasize?
Basal cell carcinoma
What lesion is pathognomic of measles?
Koplik's spots (this type of measles = rubeola)
A 40 year old woman presents with a skin lesion on her upper back. The woman regularly sunbathes. The lesion is raised and has a mottled red white and blue appearance. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A single painful nodule on the finger commonly seen in stockyard and slaughterhouse workers is called what?
Milker's nodule
The most common etiologic agent of a Milker's nodule is what?
Pox virus
Diarrhea, dementia, and dermatitis are indicative of what disease?
Pellagra (can also see stomatitis)
Dilantin may have what severe dermatologic side effect?
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (severe form of Stevens Johnson)
What food borne pathogen may cause splinter hemorrhages on nails?
Trichinella spiralis (Trichinosis, usually from contaminated pork, can also cause conjunctivitis and periorbital edema)
A patient presents with a burn on his left torso. On exam the wound is charred and no blisters are visible. The patient reports no pain. How would this burn be classified?
Third degree
What is the function of Langerhans cells?
Antigen presenting cells found in the skin
What is the hyperpigmentation around a psoriatic plaque called?
Woronoff ring (due to prostaglandins)
An autosomal dominant hemorrhagic telangiectasia involving the skin, mucosal surfaces, and internal organs is known as what?
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
What is the causative organism of Hansen's disease?
Mycobacterium leprae (Leprosy)
What cells produce histamine?
Mast cells
What are the 5 Ps of lichen planus?
Pruritic, purple, planar, polygonal, papular (may also add pain)
The diseases shingles, chickenpox, cyctomegalic inclusion disease, and mononucleosis are all caused by what group of viruses?
Herpesviruses (In order: VZV, VZV, CMV, EBV)
What body part usually shows the first manifestations of pemphigus vulgaris?
In the epidermis, what would be affected by a defect in the metabolism of tyrosine?
Melanin formation
Obstruction of the duct of a sebaceous gland often results in a sebaceous cyst. The substance that accumulates in the cyst would be rich in what compound?
Sebum, which is rich in lipids
A patient presents to your clinic 4 days after camping with a "bullseye" rash. What is the name of this dermatologic condition and what is the preferred treatment?
Erythema migrans (Lyme disease), Doxycycline for 21 days
What is the name of the electrocautery tool used in surgery?
What two diseases classically have a rash on the palms & soles?
secondary syphilis & Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Erythema with scale-forming yellowish plaques on the eyebrows, nasolabial folds, glabella, and presternal area
Seborrheic dermatitis
sudden hair loss with round, well-circumscribed 3-cm area of alopecia in the scalp with exclamation point hairs
alopecia areata
bites that typically reveal a central blue color of impending necrosis with surrounding white area of vasospasm and peripheral red halo of inflammation
Brown recluse spider
linear, pruritic, vesicles with underlying erythema on the hands, arms and legs
rhus dermatitis
this condition manifesting as velvety, hyperpigmented, papillomatous lesions of the neck, axilla, and groin; associated with insulin resistance
acanthosis nigricans
allergic rhinitis and asthma with chronic pruritic inflammatory lesions of the flexor surfaces, wrists, and dorsal area of the feet. The lesions are excoreated, lichenified with crusted patches and plaques
atopic dermatitis
dar red pruritic urticarial plaques on the flexor surfaces. The plaques begin developing tesnes bullae on the surface. It is a subepidermal blistering disease presenting on the flexor surfaces of elderly patients. A hallmark is the presence of tense bulla overlying erythematous plaques
bullous pemphigoid
organ transplant recipients have a significantly increased risk of developing this type of skin cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
this is a common predisposition condition for cellulitis of the lower extremity
diabetes; tinea pedis
hypersensitivity reaction to a variety of antigenic stimuli, typically presents as erythematous nodule over the anterior shin area, and is not associated with the development of cellulitis
erythema nodosum
flat warts that are light-brown or flesh-colored papules ranging from 1-5mm in diameter (because the virus spreads with scratching or shaving, a linear pattern forms)
verruca plana
indurated, painful crusted ulcer with surrounding erythema on the anterior shin. Caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus and seen most commonly in diabetic, elderly, and alcoholic patients and is usually found on the lower extremities
perifollicular purpura, corkscrew hairs and gingival bleeding are most likely due to this deficiency (otherwise known as scurvy)
Vitamin C
this deficiency presents with phrynoderma or "toad-skin," which is perifollicular hyperkeratosis, and addition with keratomalacia
vitamin A deficiency
lesions that are reddish-orange to purple indurated nodules and plaques with a predilection for the central face and elevated angiotensin converting enzyme level in up to 60% of all patients. May affects many organs but most commonly the lungs and eyes. CXR looking for pulmonary infiltrates and opthalmology exam are necessary diagnostic tests
in addition to pytiriasis alba, tenia versicolor and vitiligo can also cause hypopigmented lesions. What is a simple test for tinea versicolor, and what is a simple test for vitiligo?
scrapping w/KOH preps for tinea versicolor and woods lamp for vitiligo
what disease causes strawberry tongue, pharyngeal erythema/exudate, fever, sore throat, abd pain, and sandpaper rash, and facial flushing with circumoral pallor…and what is the treatment?
scarlet fever; Tx w/ PCN
characteristic rash that is erythematous and maculopapular and starts on the face and progresses to the trunk and extremities. Prodromal symptoms include fever, lymphadenopathy, and malaise
Green nails are indicative of what?
Pseudomonas infection
Adult acne with red nose especially in men
A patient presents with coin shaped erythematous lesions, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Nummular eczema
Premature graying and hair falling out is indicative of what condition?
Telogen effluvium