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57 Cards in this Set

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What does the theory of evolution state?
This theory states that life began as a chance combination of nonliving chemicals.
In the Psalms what do the heavens declare?
The Heavens declare the glory of God; The skies proclaim the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1
What does the second law of thermodynamics, also called the law of entropy state?
This law states that anything organized tends to become disorganized over time.
What does the solar system consist of?
This system is made up of a sun, eight planets and their moons, and thousands of asteroids.
Describe the sun.
This unusual, small, yellow star provides the perfect amount of energy for life on earth.
According to Psalm 24, what belongs to the Lord?
The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.
What does the theory of the greenhouse effect suggest?
This theory suggests that as atmospheric carbon dioxide increases the earth's temperature increases.
What is the importance of ozone?
This chemical is important for removing deadly radiation from our atmosphere.
What is the percentage of oxygen necessary for human life?
The earth's atmosphere must always contain 21% oxygen to maintain human life.
What is the definition of cataclysm?
This is a violent, sudden change or disaster.
What is the definition of uniformitarianism?
The belief that Earth's past geological changes can be fully explained by processes taking place now.
What does the theory of continental drift state?
The idea that the continental plates can move.
What is radiometric dating?
This method uses the decay rate of radioactive material to date objects.
Why is radiometric dating inaccurate?
This method of dating assumes that you know specifics about the original material.
What is the definition of organic matter?
This material comes from, or is made up of, once living things.
What is the definition of good science?
The constant search for accurate information.
What was Copernicus famous for?
This polish scientist first promoted the theory that the planets revolve around the sun.
Who was Charles Darwin?
This man promoted natural selection as the method of evolutionary changes.
Who was Franceso Redi?
This man discovered microscopic eggs were the source of flies on open meat.
What are the four main chemicals in a cell?
The cell contains amino acids, lipids, porphyrins, and polynucleotides.
What are proteins?
The smallest known living thing; proteins are long chains of amino acids.
What is the definition of natural selection?
Natural selection is the idea that the fittest survive and pass along their traits to their offspring.
What is the significance of the Galapagos Islands?
The Galapagos Islands are the place Darwin noticed the adaptability and variations within animal species.
What are chromosomes?
Chromosomes are long thin strings composed of DNA and proteins which carry genes.
What is a fossil?
A fossil is the remains or traces of plants and animals that are found in rocks.
What are strata?
Strata refers to a layer of rock thought to have been laid down at the same time.
What is meant by the standard geological column?
The geological column is an imaginary column of rock believed to show various stages of fossilized life.
What is the definition of homologous?
In biology, homologous means similar structures of features of a plant or animal.
What makes a woodpecker's beak unique?
A woodpecker's beak is designed with a pad of spongy tissue that acts as a shock absorber.
How does the penguin care for its young?
The penguin has a skin flap to keep an egg warm and perfectly shares the care of its chick with its mate.
What is unusual about the tongue of a mallee fowl?
This Australian bird uses her tongue to tell if her nest temperature has changed 1/10th of a degree.
How does a bat emit sound to find food?
This mammal emits sounds up to 20 to 30 times a second to locate flying insects.
What is unique about a gazelle?
This fast- running African mammal would burn up its brain while running if not for a specially designed cooling system.
What is unique about the termite?
No matter what the weather this insect always keeps its home at 64 degrees.
How does a bee communicate?
The bee uses very specific dances to communicate.
What is unique about the army ant?
This is one kind of insect that makes the queen's nest using its own workers.
What is the definition of symbiotic?
Symbiotic is the relationship between two creatures which makes them mutually dependent upon each other to sustain life.
What is the definition of mimicry?
Mimicry is a possible defense mechanism where an animal is designed to look like something else.
Define the hopeful monster theory.
The hopeful monster theory is an evolutionary theory which states that occasionally an animal births a totally new creature.
What is the significance of the discovery of piltdown man?
Piltdown man was a stained human skull and filed ape jaw used to support evolution but shown to be a hoax.
What does the word hominid mean?
Hominid refers to bones paleontologists label as from the line of man.
What does Genesis 2:7 state?
The LORD God formed the man from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Why is skin important?
The skin is an organ that helps regulate body temperature and is a disease barrier.
What is the function of the heart?
The heart is the most powerful muscle in the body, pumping 4,000 gallons of blood a day.
What is the importance of the lungs?
These two organs pass oxygen into every red blood cell carried through their capillaries.
What is the function of the medulla oblongata?
The medulla oblongata is the lowest part of the brain and is responsible for automatic responses, like breathing.
What is the job of the cerebellum?
The cerebellum is the part of the brain associated with voluntary responses.
What is the cerebrum?
The cerebrum is the part of the brain which controls memory, senses, consciousness, and reasoning.
Quote Romans 1:20?
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
What is significant about the phrase, "Here is what the Lord says"?
"Here is what the Lord says", is a phrase used in the Old Testament over 2000 times.
What is archaeology?
Archaeology is the scientific study of the remains of the past.
What is true about Jesus and Old Testament prophecy?
Jesus is THE ONLY man to fulfill EVERY Old Testament prophecy.
What happened with Jesus and wine in John 2?
Jesus turned 20 gallons of water into wine in John 2:1-11.
Who was Lazarus?
Lazarus was Jesus' friend whom Jesus raised from the dead in John 11:1-44
What is the meaning of the gap theory?
The gap theory suggests there may have been long periods of time between each Creation day.
What is the day-age theory?
The day-age theory suggests each Creation day represents a long period of time.
What is the revelatory-day theory?
The revelatory day theory suggests it took God seven days to reveal how he created the world to moses.