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35 Cards in this Set

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What type of antibiotics are Cephalosporins?

Bacteridcidal, beta-Lactam (often resistant to beta-Lactamase), broad-spectrum

What is the mechanism of action?

Bind to Penicilin binding proteins (PBPs), so they disrupt the cell call synthesis and activate

autolysis. Most effective agains active cell growth

Which Cephalosporin treats MRSA?

Fifth generation Ceftaroline

First generation and Second generations have what characteristics?

Highly active against gram-positive bacteria, 2nd is enhanced activity against gram-negative, increased resistance to beta-lactamases but neither can penetrate CSF with appropriate


Third Generation characteristics

More active agains gram-negative, broad-

spectrum,increased resistance to beta-lactamases and reaches effective concentration in the CSF

Fourth generation concentration

Very broad-spectrum, active against P. Aeruginosa, penetrates CSF good

Fifth generation

Only one active against MRSA (Ceftaroline)

What route are they administered and why? What is the exception?

IM or IV b/c poor absorption in GI. Except

Cefuroxime may be given oral and injection

Which generations may not treat meningitis due to distribution issues?

1st and 2nd b/c they don't penetrate the CSF in effective dosage

How are they eliminated? What drug may

prolong their effects? What drug is an exception to normal excretion like the others?

By kidneys, Probenecid can prolong their effects. Ceftriaxone is eliminated largely by liver

Main adverse effect?

Allergic reactions, do not give if pt. has severe penicillin allergy. Macula papillary rash that

develops several days after the onset of treatment

Other adverse effects

Bleeding: (Cefotetan & Ceftriaxone) lower prothrombin in levels, do not take other NSAIDS

Thrombophlebitis: Blood clot in vein, red,warm

Hemolytic anemia: antibodies destruct RBC


Cefditoren: milk protein hypersensitivity and causes carnitine loss

Drug interactions?

Probenecid: delays renal excretion

Alcohol: induces a state of alcohol intolerance (Cefazolin & Cefotetan)

NSAIDs & anticoagulants can cause further bleeding

Ca+ & Ceftriaxone: fatal percipitates in

neonates lungs and kidneys, so don't give them in the same line or different lines within 48hrs of each other

The 1st & 2nd generation are rarely the drug choice for what? And are the drug choices for what? Example for what?

For active infections, are a choice For surgery and 2nd for respiratory, abdominal and pelvic infections.

3rd generation is choice for what? Examples of what specific infection it is used for?

For several infections. Used for meningitis cause by enteric gram negative bacilli, gonorrhea,

influenza, salmonella

4th and 5th generation choice for what?

Examples of specific diseases being treated?

For resistant organisms, and the fifth alone for skin infections including MRSA and the 4th for healthcare associated pneumonia.

What type of antibiotics are Carbapenems?

Beta-lactam antibiotics that are very broad anti microbial spectra

Imipenem is good at treating infections caused why what organisms?

Anaerobes, Staph aureus and gram-negative bacilli

What are the mechanisms of action?

They bind to two PBPs weakening the bacterial cell wall causing cell lysis and death. They can also resist practically all beta-lactamases

Carbapenems are the most effective beta-lactam antibiotics agains what?

Anaerobic bacteria

What is the route of administration and why?

How are they excreted?

IV b/c it's not absorbed from the GI tract.

Excreted by kidneys

Adverse effects?

Nausea, vomitting and diarrhea are the most common. Superinfection, minor allergic


What drug do they interact negatively with?

Can reduce levels of Valproate (used to control seizure) So breakthrough seizures have occurred

What group of antibiotics are used to treat

infections in neonates & infants?

Third-generation Cephalosporins

What antibiotic should not be used during

pregnancy? & Which ones are safe to use?

Don't use Televancin, All cephalosporins are safe for pregnancy and breast feeding

What does Vancomycin mainly treat? Why is it different than other antibiotics?

C.diff (CDI), MRSA infection, treatment of serious infections in pt's allergic to penicillin. It does not contain a beta-lactam ring

Mechanism of action?

It does not interact with PBPs instead it binds to molecules that serve as precursors for cell wall biosynthesis the results are inhibiting cell wall synthesis promoting lysis and death

This drug is active against what type of bacteria?

Gram-positive bacteria

What route is it administered?

Mainly IV b/c poor absorption in GI except for CDI ( C.diff) then it is given oral b/c it's target

bacteria is in the GI or given rectal for pt. with complicated CDI

Can it be used to treat meningitis?

No, b/c levels of drug can not sufficiently

accumulate in therapeutic dosage on the CSF

Therapeutic uses?

MRSA, staph epidermis, severe CDI not for mild

Adverse effects?

Renal failure caused by toxicity, ototoxicity, red man syndrome (causing by rapid infusion:

flushing, rash, pruritus, urticaria, tachycardia & hypotension), thrombophlebitis, immune-

mediated thrombocytopenia

What should drug levels be at?

For serious infections 15-20mcg/ml For less

serious infectoions at least 10mcg/ml

When should dosage be reduced? Over how long of a period should it be infused IV?

When there is kidney impairment, and over 60 minutes or longer

For what other group of antibiotics should you reduce dosage during kidney impairment?

For Cephalosporins except with Ceftriaxone