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22 Cards in this Set

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Central Nervous System

Brain and Spinal Cord

Peripheral Nervous System

All other nerves that lead away or towards the brain and Spinal Cord

Neuroglia/Glial Cells

Supporting Cells that aid the functions of neurons

Types of Neurons and function

Sensory/Afferent Neurons - info from PNS travels through these Neurons to CNS

Motor/Efferent Neurons - info from CNS travels through these Neurons to PNS.

Parts of a neuron and function

Cell body - enlarged portion of cell that has the nucleus. "Nutritional Center" of the neuron

Dendrites - provide a receptive area that transmits graded electrochemical impulses to cell body

Axon - carries the electrochemical impulses away from cell body

Axon Collateral - branches of axons

Anterograde Transport

Axonal transport from cell body to the axon and dendrites. Involves molecular motors of kinesin proteins.

Retrograde Transport

Axonal Transport from along the axon and dendrites to the cell body. Involves motor protein dynein and dynactin.

Schwann Cells

- Form myelin sheaths around peripheral axons

- Neuroglial Cell in PNS

Satellite Cells

Support cell bodies w/in the ganglia of the PNS

Names of PNS Neuroglial Cells

Schwann Cells

Satellite Cells

Names of Neuroglial Cells in CNS




Ependymal Cells


Form myelin sheaths around axons of the CNS


Migrates through the CNS and phagocytose foreign and degenerative material.


Help regulate the external environment of neurons. Covers the capillaries of CNS and induces the blood brain barrier.

Ependymal Cells

Line the ventricles of the brain and Central canal of the spinal cord

Functions of astrocytes

- take up K from the extracellular fluid

- take up some neurotransmitters released from the axon terminals

- take up glucose from the blood. Glucose -> lactic acid -> energy for neurons to function

- synapse formation, maturation, and maintenance

- regulate neurogenisis

- induce formation of BBB

- release chemicals that can stimulate or inhibit neurons

Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)

- only selective molecules can cross this barrier.

- can make medications complicated because some medications may not be able to cross this barrier.

Voltage gated channels

Gates that's open and close in response to change in membrane potential

Ligand Gated Channels

Opens when a specific neurotransmitter latches on to it's receptors

Mechanically gated channels

Opens when the membrane is physically stretched


Multipolar neurons located within CNS

Nodes of Ranvier

Gap between the myelin sheaths of the axon