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22 Cards in this Set

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hypochondriasis causes
-cognitive perceptual distortions
-familial history of illness
hypochondriasis treatment
-challenge illness-related misconceptions
-provide more substantial and sensitive reassurance
-stress management and coping strategies
somatization disorder causes
-familial history
-relation with antisocial personality disorder
-weak behavioral inhibition system
somatization disorder treatment
-no treatment exists with demonstrated effectiveness
-reduce the tendency to visit numerous medical specialists
-assign "gatekeeper" to physician
-reduce supportive consequences of talk about physcial symptoms
conversion disorder causes
-detachment from the trauma and negative reinforcement
-address primary/secondary gain
converstion disorder treatment
-similiar to somatization disorder
-core strategy is attending to the trauma
body dysmorphic disorder description
-previously known as dysmorphophobia
-preoccupation with imagined defect in appearance
-often display ideas of reference for imagined defect
-suicideal ideation and behavior are common
-distort facial features
-obsessed with mirrors; either avoid or obsess
-higher suicidal behaviors
-see world problems as related to their facial features
-equal male/female ratio
-onset in 20s, sometimes adolescence
body dysmorphic disorder stats
-more common than originally thought
-most remain single, and many seek out plastic surgeons
-present more to plastics than other docs
-usually runs a lifelong chronic course
body dysmorphic disorder causes
-little is known
-tends to run in families
-similar to OCD (mirror checking)
body dysmorphic disorder treatment
-parallels with OCD; the meds that work for OCD provide some relief (SSRIs)
-exposure and response prevention
-plastic surgery unhelpful
dissociative disorders overview
-involve severe alterations or detachments
-affects identity, memory, consciousness
-depersonalization --> distortion is perception of reality
-derealization --> losing a sense of the external world (things may change shape/size, people appear mechanical)
DSM dissociative disorders
-depersonalization disorder
-dissociative amnesia
-dissociative fugue
-dissociative trance disorder
-dissociative identity disorder
-not seen often
depersonalization disorder
severe and frightening feelings of unreality and detachment
dissociative amnesia
-includes several forms of psychogenic memory loss
-generalized vs. localized or selective type
-often found in females
-don't even know their own identity
-localized is more common, can't remember specific events, usually traumatic
dissociative fugue
-related to diss. amnesia
-take off and find themselves in a new place
-unable to remember the past
-unable to remember how they arrived at this new location
-often assume a new identity
diss. amnesia and fugue causes/stats
-usually begin in adulthood
-show rapid onset and dissipation
-occur most often in females
-little is known about both
-trauma and stress can be triggers
dissociative identity disorder (DID) aka schizo
-defining feature is dissociation of personality
-adoption of several new identities (as many as 100)
-identities display unique behaviors, voice and posture
-alters: different identities or personalities
-host: the identity that keeps other identities together; may or may not be the actual person, usually an alter
-switch: quick transition from one personality to another; shift in posture, voice can change
DID stats
-average number of identities is close to 15
-ratio of females:males; 9:1
-onset is almost always in childhood
-high comorbidity rates and lifelong, chronic course
DID causes
-histories of horrible, unspeakable child abuse (sadistic sexual abuse)
-closely related to PTSD
-mechanism to escape from the impact of trauma
-natural tendency to avoid problems
-could be extreme PTSD
-unlikely to develop after age 9
-have creative fantasy life
-highly suggestable
DID treatment
-focus is on reintegration of identities
-identify and neutralize cues/triggers that provoke memories of trauma/dissociation
-imaginary playmates as a kid
diagnostic considerations in somatoform and diss. disorders
-seperating real problems from malingering (deliberate faking)
-related conditions -- factitious disorder
-factitious disorder by proxy; Münchhausen's
summary of somatoform and diss disorders
-features of somatoform: phys probs w/o organic cause
-features of diss disorders: extreme distortions in perception and memory
-well established treatments are generally lacking