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17 Cards in this Set

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Collections of specialized cells and sell products that carry out a limited number of functions


The study of tissues

Epithelial tissue

Covers exposed surfaces, lines internal passageways and chambers, and forms glands

Connective tissue

Cells internal spaces, provide structural support for other tissues, transports materials within the body, and the stores energy.

Muscle tissue

Specialized for contraction and includes the skeletal muscles of the body, the muscles of the heart, and the muscular walls of hollow organs.

Nervous tissue

Carries information from one part of the body to another in the form of electrical impulses.

4 types of tissues

1) Connective tissue

2) Muscle tissue

3) Nervous tissue

4) Epithelial tissue


Layers of cells that cover external or line internal surfaces


Structures that produce fluid secretions.

Functions of Epithelia

1) Provides physical protection

2) Controls permeability

3) Provides sensation

4) Produces specialized secretions

Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue

1) Polarity

2) Cellularity

3) Attachment

4) Avascularity

5) Regeneration


The presence of structural and functional differences between the exposed and attach to surfaces.


Lacking blood vessels

Apical Surface

Where the cells exposed to an external or internal environment

Basolateral Surface

The base of a cell when attaches to underlying epithelial cells or deeper tissues, and the sides, where the cell contacts its neighbors


None-motile projections that greatly increase the surface area of the cell exposed to the extra-cellular environment


Long, slender extensions of the plasma membrane.

Primary cilium: Acts as a signal sensor, detecting environmental stimuli and coordinating activities such as embryonic development and homeostasis at the tissue level

Motile Cilia: beat rhythmically to move fluids or secretions across the cell surface