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27 Cards in this Set

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where is the gallbladder located?
visceral surface of the liver
main function of gallbladder:
store bile
How much bile can be stored in the gallbladder?
50 mL
process of bile to gallbladder:
liver canaliculi- R/L hepatic duct- common hepatic duct- cystic duct- gallbladder
6 steps
What helps open the cystic duct to facilitate bile moving into the gallbladder?
valves of Heister/ spiral valve
blood supply to gallbladder:
cystic artery
what's another name for gallstones?
What causes gallstones?
imbalance of cholesterol and bile salts lead to a precipitation of it forming gallstones
people who commonly suffer from gallstones:
female, fertile, fat, fair, 40-50 years old
acute cholecytstitis:
inflammation of gallbladder wall
other sites of gallbladder impact in biliary tract:
hepatopancreatic duct
hartmanns pouch
cystic duct
gallstones can occur in duodenum due to:
ruptured duodenal ulcers
a sign of acute cholecytstitis:
Murphy's sign
Murphy's sign is palpitations pain in:
right upper quadrant
where is the spleen in the peritoneum and in the abdomen?
intraperitoneal, left hypochondrium
What is the function of the spleen?
removes abnormal RBC and release bulirubin, recycles iron and goblin, and stores excess iron
What causes the brown color of the spleen?
excess iron
spleen is covered by capsule which extends to a parenchyma and has two parts:
red pulp and white pulp
contents of red pulp and white pulp respectively:
blood-containing substances (77%) of splenic tissue, splenic cords

have T cells, plasma cells, B cells in the lymphatic follicles
What do the plasma cells do when they migrate?
migrate to red pulp to form immunoglobulin
What are the branches off the splenic artery?
splenic a. goes to trebucular a. and goes to central a.
space between two pulps:
marginal zone
What is produced in the marginal zones?
macrophages and antigen-presenting cells
why is the spleen prone to infarction?
Because branches are terminal and don't anastomose
What other organs are supplied by the splenic artery?
stomach and part of pancreas
before the central artery enters the red pulp, what happens?
It's pushed between macrophages in the marginal zone aka schweigger siedel sleeve
What causes splenomegaly?
liver cirrhosis, malaria, portal hypertension