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39 Cards in this Set

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organuc compunds

carbon based molecules usually with a hydrogen too


compounds with only hydrogen and carbon

fxnal groups

chemical groups that ar polar and hydrophilic

hydroxyl group

hydrogen atom bonded to O bonded to carbon skeleteon

carbonyl group

carbon linked in double bond to O

*aldehyde- if carbon group is on the end

*ketone-when carbon group is within

carboxyl group

carbon double bonded to O and bonded to hydroxyl group


amino group

nitrogen bnded to two hydrogens and the carbon skeleton


phosphate group

phosphorus atome bonded to four oxygen atoms

*involved in energy transfers

methyl group

carbon bonded to the H atoms


carbohydrates,proteins, nucleic acids


when smaller molecules join into chains

*built up of monomers

dehyration reaction

removes a molecule of water to bond molecules


adds water to break the bonds in macromolecules


specialized macromolecules that speed up chemical runs in cells


monosaccharides are the monomers

*typically a multiple of CH2O (glucose C6H12O6)

*tyoically six carbons long but theres 3-7

*main fuel for cellular work


two monosacchs linked together by dehydration




storage and structure

*starch-storage in plants

*glycogen-storage for glucose in animals

*cellulose-structure for plant cell walls

*chitin- structural polysach used by insects in their exoskeleton


*molecules that do not mix well with water, hydrophobic

*fats, phospholipids,steroids

*not built from monomers


large lipids made from glycerol and fatty acids that link from dehydration

*fatty acids is a carboxyl group and a hydrocarbon chain

*long term energy storage

unsaturated fatty acid

when a hydrocarbon chain contains one or more double bonds, liquid at room temp-fish,oils

saturated fatty acide

no double bonds in its hydrocarbon chain with max number of H atoms to the C atoms, solid at room temp-animal fats

trans fats

unsaturated fats that have been converted to saturated fats ny adding H

*many health risks


major component of cell membranes

* hydrophobic tails cluster in the center

*hydropjilic heads face the watery environment on either side of the membrane


lipids in which the C skeleton contains four fused rings


common component of animal cell membranes

*precursor fro steroids including sex hormones

anabolic steroids

synthetic variants of thimble hormone testosterone

*cause liver damage, mood swings,depression, shrunken testicles, reduced sex drive

*helps build muscle and bone mass


a polymer of amino acids

*structurally and functionally the most varied


*transport proteins

*signal proteins

*receptor proteins

*contractile proteins and structural



when a protein unravels losing its shape and therefore its fxn


*alzheimers is accumulation of misfolded proteins

*3D shape determines fxn

amino acids

amino group and carboxyl group

*joined through dehydration rxns resulting in a covalent bond called a peptide bond


several amino acids added through dehydration to form a chain of amino acids

*R groups of amino acid groups determine their role depemding on their characteristics such as water loving or hating

primary structure of protein

precise sequnce of amino acids in the polypep chain

secondary structure

segments of the chain fold into local patterns

tertiary structure

3D shape of a protein

quaternary structure

proteins with multiple polypep chains

*review 3.14


a unit of inheritance


nucleic acids

*provides direction for its own replication

*makes RNA

*A with T,C with G

*double helix in which two polynucleotides wrap around each other

*complementary strands allows for identical copies its DNA


nucleic acids

*DNA is transpired into it

*RNA molec moves out of nucleus and proteins begin to build DNA with RNA instructions

*A with U,C with G


monomers that make up the nucleic acids

*5 C sugar either deoxyribose (DNA) or ribose (RNA), linked o phosphate group, linked to other side is nitrogenous base


lactose tolerance is new

*only occurred because it offers a survival advantage