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25 Cards in this Set

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central nervous system:

is composed of the brain and the spinal cord

The Brain:

is the core of the nervous system, the part that makes sense of the info received from the senses, makes decisions, and sends commands out to the muscles and and the rest of the body if need

Spinal Cord:

is a long bundle of neurons that serves two vital functions for the nervous system

There are three basic types of neurons:

afferent(sensory) neurons

efferent( motor) neurons


afferent neurons

carry messages from the senses to the spinal cord

efferent neurons

carry messages from the spinal cord to the muscles and glands


connect the afferent neurons to the motor neurons

reflex arc

controlled by the spinal cord alone allows for very fast response times


the ability to constantly change both the structure and function of many cells in the brain in response to experience and even trauma

stem cells:

special cells found in all the tissues of the body that are capable of becoming other cell types when those cells need to be replaced due to damage or wear and tear

Peripheral nervous system:

made up of all the nerves and neurons that are not contained in the brain and spinal cord

somatic nervous system:

consists of nerves that control the voluntary muscles of the body

automatic nervous system:

which consists of the nerves that control the involuntary muscles, organs, and glands

(Somatic nervous system)

Sensory pathways:

comprises all the nerves carrying messages from the senses to the central nervous system

(Somatic nervous system)

Motor pathway:

all of the nerves carrying messages from the central nervous system to the voluntary or skeletal, muscles of the body

(Autonomic Nervous System)

Sympathetic division:

> located in the middle of the spinal column

> "fight or flight"

> allows people and animals to deal with stressful events

(Autonomic Nervous System)

Parasympathetic Division:

> "eat-drink-and-rest" system

> located at the top and bottom of the spinal column on either side of the sympathetic division neurons

Endocrine glands:

glands that secrete chemicals called hormones directly in the bloodstream

The pituitary gland:

> located in the brain itself, just below the hypothalamus

> the master gland

> controls & influences all endocrine glands


> hormone that controls aspects of pregnancy

> is involved in a variety of ways with both reproduction and parental behavior

The Pineal Gland:

> located in the brain, near the back, directly above the brain stem

> secretes melatonin

The thyroid gland:

located inside the neck and secretes hormones that regulate growth and metabolism


controls the level of blood sugar in the body by secreting insulin and glucagon


are the sex glands

ovaries and testes

Adrenal glands:

> one on top of each kidney

> releases over 30 different hormones