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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal ratio of Bun: Creatinine?
How is creatinine processed?
Creatinine is filtered and neither absorbed or secreted
How is Urea Processed?
Urea is filtered and partly reabsorbed in the proximal tube.
Bun:Cr ratio depends on changes at several times:
1) Before the kidneys (prerenal)
2) Within the kidney parenchyma (Renal)
3) After the kidneys (Postrenal)
What does azotemia refer to?
An increase in serum BUN and creatinine
What causes Prerenal Azotemia?
Decrease in C.O., leads to a decrease in GFR
What is the ratio for Prerenal Azotemia?
How does a decrease in C.O. lead to a decrease in GFR?
Hypoperfusion of kidneys
Is there intrinsic parenchymal renal disease in Prerenal Azotemia?
What are some examples of pre-renal azotemia?
Blood Loss, CHF
Why is the Serum BUN:CR ratio below 15?
1) Decreased GFR causes creatinine and urea to back up in blood.
2) After filtration, some urea is reabsorbed in the blood.
***All the creatinine is excreted in the urine
3) Addition of urea in blood increases the ratio over 15
What is the cause of Renal Azotemia?
Caused by parenchymal damage to the kidneys
What are some examples of causes of Renal Azotemia?
Acute tubular necrosis, Chronic Renal Failure
What is the Serum BUN:Cr ratio for Renal Azotmeia?
15 or below
Explain why the BUN:CR ratio is 15 below?
1) A decreased GFR causes creatinine and urea to back up in blood: Increased extra-renal loss of urea
2) After filtration, both urea and creatinine are lost in the urine
***Proximal tubule cells are sloughed off renal failure
Look at BUN and Creatinine: EX: 80mg/dl BUN and serum creatinine: 8mg/dl. What is it?
BUN/CR ratio is 10 so Renal Azotemia!
What is the cause of Post- renal Azotemia?
Caused by urinary obstruction below the kidneys
Is there intrinsic parenchymal disease in Post-renal Azotemia?
NOOOO intrinsic parenchymal disease
Give some examples of Post-renal azotmeia
Examples: Prostate hyperplasia, Blockage of ureters by stones/cancer
Explain the mechanism for a SERUM BUN: Cr ratio greater than 15!
1) Obstruction to urine flow decreases the GFR
2) Back-up of urea and creatinine in the blood
3) Increased tubular pressure causes back-diffusion of urea (not creatinine) into blood ( ratio >15)
What does persistent obstruction cause?
Renal Azotemia Ratio < 15