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31 Cards in this Set

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wanted to cure industrial problems
they exposed the filth in society
lincoln steffens
a journalist who was a muckraker
ida tarbell
she wrote the history of standard oil
ray stannard baker
he toured the nation looking at the blacks.
theodore dreisesr
writer who told about how workers were brutalized by owners
edith wharton
wrote the house of mirth
herbert croly
said that govt should use regulation and taxation to promote welfare for all
florence kelley
a reformer who worker for labor laws
triangle shirtwaist fire
a factory caught on fire and 140 people burned
freedom of contract
the freedom to negotiate the terms of employment
mullen vs. oregon
an employer challanged the 10 hour workday law
Louis brandeis
he was a lawyer in the muller vs oregon case
closed shop
a workplace where all the employs have to be in a union
the system where the govt owned alot of things
samuel gompers
the leader of the AFL
It tried to unite unskilled women workers
open shop
nonunion workplace
this group opposed capitalism
William haywood
the IWW leader who made claims for the working class
lawrence veiller
a settlement house worker who wanted to improve housing
daniel burnham
a architect for chicago
the ban of alcohol
They said that alcohol was bad and that it needed to be banned
Frances Willard
he headed the WCTU
Eighteenth amendment
banned the sale of alcohol
WEB du Bois
An influential african american leader
the advancement of colored people's group
national Urban League
in fought for racial equality
Society of american indians
middle class indians who formed to discuss problems in our country
the process of preparing foreign born residents for citizenship