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60 Cards in this Set

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Which describes the relationship between religion and government in the Massachusetts colony?
Puritans dictated both religious and governmental matters.
The plantation system tended to create disparities in wealth because __________.
the planter elite controlled all the wealth and power
Immigrants who came from Europe included all EXCEPT __________.
Spanish protestants who wanted to escape religious discrimination
Colonists’ protests against the Stamp Act led to all of the following EXCEPT __________.
the repeal of the Declaratory Act
Why was Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense so important in changing the colonists’ views on independence?
The pamphlet convinced the colonists that the monarch was a tyrant and responsible for British actions against the colonies.
Which was NOT an advantage of the British forces at the beginning of the war?
fighting on home ground
What was the MAIN reason that Antifederalists opposed ratification of the new Constitution?
They believed that the Constitution diminished states’ rights.
Western Europeans studied __________ to construct the astrolabe—an instrument for determining direction, latitude, and local time.
Arab texts
What was the result of the Treaty of Tordesillas?
It confirmed Spain’s claims to most of the newly discovered lands of America.
Impacts of the Columbian Exchange included all of the following EXCEPT __________.
Native Americans gaining medical technologies that helped them fight disease
The Spanish were able to conquer the Aztec for all the following reasons EXCEPT __________.
the Spanish outnumbered the Aztec
Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary War?
America’s victory in the battle convinced France to commit troops to the American cause.
Democratic-Republicans feared that a strong federal government would _________.
threaten the rights of the individual states
Washington’s Farewell Address cautioned Americans about all the following EXCEPT __________.
How did the Tariff of 1816 protect American manufacturers?
It taxed imports, making the prices of American goods more attractive.
How did the concept of interchangeable parts impact industrialization?
It created faster, more efficient machines.
The cotton gin increased the profitability of cotton by __________.
removing the seeds from cotton bolls
Why was it important for the Senate to combine Maine’s application for statehood with Missouri’s application?
It preserved the balance of slave and free states in the Senate.
John C. Calhoun wrote that states had the right to declare federal law void since __________.
states had created the federal union
The social reform movement of the early and mid-1800s did NOT target __________.
child labor
Manifest Destiny means the idea that __________.
the nation was meant to spread to the Pacific
In the Battle of San Jacinto, __________ helped Texan soldiers defeat the formidable Mexican army.
a surprise attack
Why did President Andrew Jackson not annex Texas?
He did not want to increase tensions between the North and South by admitting Texas as a slave state.
__________ proposed that citizens of each new territory acquired from Mexico should decide whether or not to permit slavery in that territory.
The Wilmot Proviso
Why did Stephen Douglas’s proposal to organize Nebraska and Kansas enrage Northern leaders?
The proposal repealed the Missouri Compromise, allowing slavery to expand westward.
Which of the following accurately describes Abraham Lincoln’s position on the slavery issue?
Although he was not an abolitionist, he opposed the spread of slavery in the western territories.
Which BEST describes the reason why the Southern states seceded from the Union?
They viewed Lincoln’s election as a threat to their society and culture.
What marked the beginning of the Civil War?
the firing on a federal supply ship by the Confederates in Charleston Harbor
Which was the South’s GREATEST resource at the start of the Civil War?
experienced military leaders
General Ulysses S. Grant wanted to control the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers so that __________.
the Union would be able to travel deep into Confederate territory
For Civil War soldiers, which of the following posed the GREATEST threat?
Why is the Battle of Gettysburg considered the turning point of the war in the East?
The victory ensured again that the British would not recognize the Confederacy.
Which of the following was NOT a result of the Civil War?
It brought the economic restoration of the South.
The Freedmen’s Bureau was created to __________.
feed and clothe war refugees in the South using surplus army supplies
What event signaled the end of Reconstruction?
President Hayes pulled federal troops out of the South.
Compromise of 1877
Why did so many of the West’s boomtowns become ghost towns?
Mining exhausted the ore deposits and miners moved on to other strikes.
American cowhands learned their trade from __________.
Hispanic herders
The town of __________ yielded one of the richest strikes found in the Colorado mountains.
Why was the railroad important to the open-range cattle industry?
because the railroad transported the beef to eastern markets
In what way did the Homestead Act support the settlement of the Great Plains?
It provided a legal method for settlers to acquire property rights.
What initiated the conflict between the Plains Indians and American settlers?
encroachment of ranchers, miners, and farmers onto Native American territories
After 1867, who ran the Native American reservations?
federal agents from the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Why did the Dawes Act fail to assimilate Native Americans?
Many Native Americans had little training or enthusiasm to become farmers or ranchers.
During the late 1800s, the American population growth impacted industry in all of the following ways EXCEPT by providing __________.
the highly skilled workforce that industrial work required
Gustavus Swift’s introduction of the __________ changed the American diet.
refrigerated railroad car
Thomas Edison revolutionized American business by introducing all of the following EXCEPT __________.
the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
How did the federal government help finance the construction of a national railroad system?
It provided land grants to railroad companies.
__________ allowed corporations to produce goods more cheaply and quickly than small manufacturers could.
Economies of scale
Andrew Carnegie used vertical integration to __________.
join all the processes of an industry under one company
Which of the following is a TRUE statement about industrial work during the late 1800s?
Factories’ unsafe, unhealthy conditions compounded the drudgery of industrial work.
What triggered the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?
a wage cut
What did the eastern European and Chinese immigrants of the late 1800s have in common?
Both groups were fleeing rebellions in their homelands.
What effect did rising nativism have on immigration policies during the late 1800s?
Despite rising nativism, the relative ease with which immigrants entered the country remained unchanged.
What new building technology allowed architects to begin designing skyscrapers in the late 1800s?
steel frames
Otis's elevator beake
Which is a TRUE statement about the political machine of the late 1800s?
Defendants of the political machine claimed that party bosses addressed the needs of city dwellers.
The philosophy of Social Darwinism appealed to industrialists because __________.
they thought that the development of huge corporations proved the idea that only the fittest survive
In the late 1800s, industrialization promoted entertainment and recreation in all of the following ways EXCEPT __________.
the development of mass transit systems brought rural populations into the cities for nightly shows and sporting events
Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the Social Gospel movement and Social Darwinism?
Social Darwinism praised competition, while the Social Gospel movement saw competition as the cause of many social problems.
__________ believed that people sometimes failed in life because of circumstances that were beyond their control.
A leading figure in the settlement house movement was __________, who founded the Hull House in Chicago in 1889.
Jane Addams