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53 Cards in this Set

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Photoreceptors are stimulated by______
Chemoreceptors are stimulated by ________
Pain receptors are stimulated by_______
Thermoreceptors are stimulated by ________
temperature changes
Mechanoreceptors are stimulated by ________
movement or deforming of capsule
Proprioceptors are stimulated by ________
position of body parts or changes in muscle length or tension
General sense organs are found________
throughout the body
Free nerve endings (naked nerve ending) can sense ______ on the skin
pain, itch, tickle, crude touch
Meissner’s corpuscles can sense ______ on the skin
fine touch and vibration
Pacinian & Ruffini’s corpuscles can sense ________. on the skin
pressure and vibration
Ruffini corpuscles can sense _______ on the skin
touch and pressure
Pacini Corpuscles can sense______ on the skin
high frequency vibration and touch
Krause End bulbs can sense _______
Muscles Spindles can sense ________
muscle length
Golgi tendon organs can sense _________
muscle tension
_____________ is the awareness of our posture, weight, movement and position of limbs, both in relation to our environment and in relation to other parts of our bodies.

Also known as the "sixth sense"
________slows down communication between the central and peripheral nervous systems through a process known as demyelination.
MS - Multiple Sclerosis
_____ is the loss of myelin (the fatty protective sheath surrounding nerve cells) caused by multiple sclerosis (MS).
______results in disruptions in the ability of nerves to communicate with one another, as it slows down signals traveling along the nerves
Rods and cones are the receptors for the ______.
____ is the innermost layer of the eyeball
The _____ of the eyes lye directly behind the pupil
______, _______, and _______ are the 3 layers of tissue that form the eyeball
It is known as the window to the eye because it is transparent and lacks blood vessels and lymphatics
A mucous membrane known as the ______ lines the eyelids and covers the sclera in front
Tears are formed in the _________
lacrimal gland
rods for _____
rotten light

for dim vision or night vision, see in shades of gray. They are sensitive
to light and to motion
cones for_____

They function in bright light
Ciliary Body
controls lens shape
visible colored portion of the eye. It regulates the size of the pupil.
Muscles in the iris constrict or dilate to regulate pupil size
transparent bulge in the front. It bends light rays
the white of the eye
contains specialized neurons called photoreceptors.

rod cells and cone cells
There are 2 types
of photoreceptors:
rod cells and cone cells
Aqueous humor

(Eye fluids)
fills the anterior chamber (in front of the lens). It is continuously made and drained.
Vitreous humor

(Eye fluids)
fills the posterior chamber (behind the lens). It is gel-like.
The ciliary muscles is relaxed, lens is flattened, and the suspensory ligament taut when the eye is focusing on a ________ ________.
distant object
The ciliary muscles is contracted, lens is rounded, and the suspensory ligament is relaxed when the eye is focusing on a ________ ________.
near object
___________ connects the middle ear to the throat
Eustachian tube
Outer ear
auricle (pinna)
auditory tube
Tympanic Membrane
_________are tiny bones that amplify sound that serve to amplify the sound
Ossicles: malleus, incus, and stapes.
__________the stapes (or stirrup) attaches to this to send vibrations through
oval window
________ is the inner ear involved in equilibrium (balance)
Semicircular Canals and Vestibule
________ is the inner ear involved in hearing
Sound waves in the air are conducted to the _______, where the specialized neurons involved in hearing are
inner ear
_______is the receptor for hearing
Organ of Corti
The Organ of Corti is found
in the ________ of the inner ear
___________ is the path the sound waves take to get to the inner ear
Conduction pathway
The receptors for balance in the semicircular canals of the inner ear are called ___________ __________.
cristae ampullaris
cristae ampullaris detect _____ movements of the head and then sends it to the brain to maintain balance
______ cells are the receptors for taste buds to sense taste
_________ cells are the receptors for the nose to sense smell