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27 Cards in this Set

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a form of matter is another name for _________ of matter


the three most common states of matter on Earth are _______, __________,___________

solid, liquid, and gas

most of the matter in space is in a fourth state of matter called _______


_______ can be described in many ways.


some descriptions such as color and odor, involve using your __________


other descriptions such as mass or volume are __________


particles ______ and particle _______ determine a substances state of matter

motion. forces

no matter how close they are to each other, all particles have _____ motion


particles that are free to move will move in ________ line until they _________ with something

straight. collide

there is a force _______ between positively charged _______ and negatively charged _________

particles. particles

when particles move _________, they move closer together, and the attractive forces between them are ________

slows. stronger

when particles _______ they move farther apart, and the attractive forces between them are _______

faster. weaker

a solid has a definite ______ and a definite ______-

shape. volume

the type of solid depend on how the _______ in the solid are arranged


when the particles are arranged in a specific, repeating order, the solid is a ________ solid


if the particles are randomly arranged , the solid is an _______ solid


a liquid has a definite _______ but no definite _______

volume. shape

unlike solids, liquids flow and can take the _____ of their container


the particle motion in a liquid state of a substance is __________ than the particle motion in a substances solid state


the attractive forces between the particles in a liquid are _______ than they are in a solid


a measurement of a liquids resistance to flow is its _________


the attraction between molecules that are alike, such as water molecules is called _______


molecules at the surface of a liquid also have _________, which involves the uneven forces acting on the particles on the surface of a liquid

suface tension

usually, stronger ________ forces between particles is linked to greater _______ of a liquid

attractive. surface tension

a gas has no definite _______ and no definite _________

volume. shape

the distances between gas particles are so _______ and the attractive forces so _______ that gas particles spread out to fill their container

far. weak

the gas state of a substances that is usually a solid or a liquid at room temperature is called a _______
