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29 Cards in this Set

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Access Control Entry (ACE)
an entry in a DACL or SACL that lists a security principal (by SID), a type of action, and whether that SID is allowed or denied the action.
access token
a binary structure that lists the identit, rights, and group membership of a user on a network.
An ___________ contains, among other items, the user's SID and the SID of each group to which the user belongs.
access token
delegation of control
refers to assigning permissions on Active Directory objects to that data owners can manage their own objects.
discretionary access control list (DACL)
a list of ACEs used to control access to an object or resource
domain identifier
three 32-bit numbers that are statistically unique and identify a particular domain
down-level clients
a computer running an operating system that is not Active Directory-aware or Kerberos-capable.
File Allocation Table (FAT)
an older file format used by down-level clients and DOS. Don't support file based permissions, auditing, or journaling.
the concept that a security setting on one objec can be inherited by objects lower in the hierarchy
an authentication protocol first developed at MIT to allow for a wide-area, distributed method of securely authenticating users before they are allowed to access network resources
Key Distribution Center (KDC)
a network service that is made up of an Authentication Service and Ticket-granting Service.
NT LAN Manager (NTLM)
older network authentication protocol used by all Windows Sytems prior to Windows 2000.
the active directory attribute that stores a security principal's security identifier (SID)
private/public key pair
a set of two mathematically related keys used in public key cryptography
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
an organized system that issues and manages certificates and key pairs to support teh use of public key cryptography in an organization
registry hives
Major sections of the Windows registry that contain a set of related registry keys
registry keys
one or more related settings stored in teh Windows registry.
security descriptor
a package of binary information associated with an object or a resource, whcih contains the DACL, SACL, object owner, and related security information.
Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL)
a format that afficiently describes SIDs
Security Identifier (SID)
a binary number that uniquely represents a security principal. For most security, principals, the two key components are a domain identifier and a RID that are unique within the domain
security principal
an object in the directory to which resource permissions can be granted
service ticket (ST)
a Kerberos ticket presented to a resource server allowing it to authenticate the user
special permissions
a specific, granular permission available from Advanced dialog box when setting permissions
standard permissions
Permissions shown on the main security tab in an object's properties that represent the most common permissions granted to users
system access control list (SACL)
a list of ACEs used to determine which actions are audited or logged for a particular object or resource
symmetric keys
encryption keys that can be used to encrypt or decrypt a message. the same key is used for both encryption and decryption
ticket-granting ticket (TGT)
a Kerberos ticket used to request service tickets from a KDC
two-factor authentication
authentication systems that require possession of a physical object and a password or PIN
X.509 digital certificate
a specially structured electronic document that describes the identity of a person or service. the certificate is digitally signed by its issuer.