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25 Cards in this Set

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Joint classification (2)

Stuctural and Functional

Anatomical (Structural)

presence or absence of a space between articulating bones and the type of ct that binds bones together.

Movement (functional)

the degree of movement permitted

Structural classification subcategories

3 things- Fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints, synovial joints

Fibrous joints

bones held together by dense collagen fibers

Cartilaginous joints

bones held together by cartilage

Synovial joints

bones held together by ligaments, freely more joints (fingers)

Functional Classification subcategories

3 things- synarthrosis, Amphiarhtosis, Diarthosis


an immovable joint


a slightly movable joint


a freely movable joint

Fibrous joint

lack cartilage and synovial fluid, held together by dense irregular ct (teeth)

Cartilaginous joints

* lack synovial cavity and provide little or no movement (pubic symphysis)

*bar of cartilage between two bones

what does the synovial joint secret and what does that do

synovial fluid, reduces friction by lubricating the joint and absorbing shock. (arms, hips, legs)

example of synarthrosis

immovable joint, fibrous joints of the skull

example of Amphiartosis

slightly movable joint, pubic symphsis

example of diarthroses

freely movable joint, shoulder and hip

synovial joints are surrounded be

accessory structures, like the joint capsule, ligaments, and sometimes bursae.


fibrous tissue that allows ligaments to slide. Its a tendon sheath, strategically placed to minimize friction in some joints

articular discs

provide superior strength and allow bones of different shapes to fit together more tightly.

another name for meniscus

rticulating disk


force-able twist of a joint, stretch or tears ligaments, can dislocate joints (common in the ankle)


partially torn muscle or tendon ( runner, soccer players, active ppl.)

how many types of synovial joints and names

6- planar,hinge, pivot, condyliod,saddle, ball and socket joints

planar -

side by side movment