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101 Cards in this Set

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define thinking

mental manipulation of internal representation of objects

difference in basic concept and prottypes propositions and cognitive schemas

basic concept is not too vague or specific

prototype is a representation

cognitive schema- generalized image of

mental image

visual rep

how to study mental images

how long it takes for image to rotate in imagination

how long it takes to look at next picture

how long it takes to look at details in an image

what is proposition

unit of concept

subconscious thinking example

driving car, brushing teeth

need attention at first

nonconscious thinking

two steps, first creating non conscious thought

conscious - now u retrieved information

implicit learning

learning something that you cant explain

mindlessness is

oblivious to answering

example of mindlessness

can i use photocopier to copy

formal reasoning

arithemtic means



informal reasoning uses

heuristics(general rule of thumb for solving it)

dialectical reasoning is

from many points of views

what is reflective judgement

observe, provide answer , accept if unsure



last two

beliefs- god

unsure. 3 stages

last- asks about observations

comes up with possiility

cognitive biases

confirmation bias-

hindsight bias

availbility heuristic- how probably will this occur

bias due to mental sets, figuring it out with a set

avoiding losses

define memory

permanent change to behavior

function of memory

stores information and enables us to retrieve it

why is memory reconstructive ?

remember complex information better if its broken down to simpler terms

flashbulb memory

traumatic events that occur

not accurate


source amnesia

unable to tell whether it was real or imagination


when you hear this so often you think its your memory

conditions of confabulation in which it will probably occur

detail of the image

how easy it is to reproduce memory

emotional responses

thought of it many times

reliability of eyewitness

not that reliable. can be due to the way a question is asked

factors that can alter accuracy of eyewitness recollections


method of memorizing

encode- store



implicit vs explicit memory

implicit- unconsciously knowing

explicit - knowing through readi

examples of impl and expl

implicit- priming

explicit- learning this

what are the ways of learning implicit memory


relearning method

when can the relearning method be explicit

when they know they are learning it

models of memory

sensory memory

short term

long term

how long short term

30 seconds

when information is stored how is it organized?

concepts, cognitive schemas, images

working memory located in?

short term mem

parallel distributing process of memory

works like neuron in brain, everything interconnected

role of sensory memory

visual half a second, auditoyry 2 seoncd

high detailed information

pattern recognitiion

know what it is because its stored in long term

long term memory

groups information by semantic grouping

declarative memory

in long term memory- states a fact

episodic memory

through experience

serial position effect is

list youll remember first and last more than middle

how do neurons fire when you store long term

hippocampus sends signal that increases strenght of synapse

known as long term potentiation

consolidation phase of memory is

stabilization period

can be affected with trauam

which part of brain encodes pictures and words

prefrontal cortex

which play role in memory

hippocampus and cerebral cortex

effects of hormones?


basis of rehearsal

people favor speech!

types of rehearsal



deep- relating it to something

what are ways to rememeber

structural just the word

elaborative- functions of hypothalmus

deep process- hypothalamus beneath this


why do we forget



cue dependent



retroactive vs proactive

retro the thing that is affected is in the past

state dependent memory

be drunk when u study drunk

psychgenic amnesia

freud says forget because its emabarassing

biological and cognitive approach to childhood amnesia

brain isnt old enough for information to store

- no mental image of himself

cannot encode

child has a routine

thinking doesnt work til language

define emotion

behavior developed by human fas a need

components of emotion

physiological- face

cultural- how its expressed

cognitive- perception

theory of emotion


fear- angry- more noticable

basic emotions are

happy sad, fear, disgust, contemt , jealousy, surprise

evolutionary theory for facial expression

send warnings

facial feeding

smile before you smile-

mood contagion

depressed guy will make me depressed

emotional expression why people will disagree

people will lie


cultures differ in contecxt

expression may mean different things

people don usually show

which strucutres evaluates fear


damage to amygdala =

cannot process fear

damage to prefrontal cortex

cannot put fear aside

prefrontal left side is mainly

happy appraoch

hormones involved in emotion

adrenal hormones- sense of excitement

what are ways to tell if someone lying


voice recognitiion- can be false is all those basic princples of telling lie is false

eyes, fidgeting, facial expression.

stoic researchers

emotions isnt what occurs because of event its how about hte explanation

two factor theory of emotion

cognitive and physiological.

how you interpret situation and heart rate

actingg out an emotion that we do not really eel and example

emotion work


displayy rules

how each culture sould act

5 factors that influence men and woman's abiltiy to read emotional signals



how expressive



primary vs secondary emotions




definte motivation

move towards a goal or away

difference between pshyiological needs and pscyhological needs

physiological- food

but people resist it such as famines

intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic

intrinsic - self

extrinsic- reward

set point theory explains

if you fat you always fat

cultural and environmental influences on obesity

fast food




food portions are big

research on eating disorder

people want to look like this on tv

two types of eating disorders are

nervosa anoerxia- no eats

bulima- binge

need for affilliation

humans need comfort

biological explaination for passionate love

at birth, mom showed love , endoprhines we set off

passionate vs companiate

passion- emotional drive- sexual desire

copaniate- trust

two predictors of whom we love

proximity- we choose where we are

similarity- beleifs

sternberg's triangle love theory





no commit

theory of love is(what type of lover you are)

anxious- parents ok

avoidance- hated parents

secure- love

passion and intimacy is positive or negative correlation


impact of social and economic infleunce on gender in love

men and woman expresses love diferenltl

woman use to amrry for lifestyle


india they still do that

motivation factors in rape

peer pressure, anger, dominance, power

sexual motives are..



sexual approval

for self

peer pressure


discuss explanation to sexual behaviors

prenatal exposure toe androgen

boys with genetic markers

need for achievement

tested with thematic apperception test

peson who wants to succed

projective test, taps into unconscious, make up story test on symoblic strenght

research on achievement and goal setting

specific goal, thats achievable, for yourself

performance vs mastering goals

performance- to make someone happy

masterin-- to learn for yourself

difference in masering and performing goals in youth and athelte

sometimes praise can cause chid to be overwhelemd and when they stop doing well, they give up

which is why kids who are mastering will succedd

atheltes do both

set fulfilling prophecy

if u thin youll do bad youll do bad

influence of workign conditions on productivity

work is meaninful

task varied

clear rules

supportive relationship

useful feedback

social support


motivation conflicts are

approac avoid

maslow heirarchy of neesd

bottom - basic surival


social needs

slef respect

self actualizaiotn