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61 Cards in this Set

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Meaningless imitation of other person's movements
Immobility or Rigidity
Repetition of fixed movement patterns/speech

example: echolalia
State of restlessness characterized by urgent need for movement.

Side effect of medication.
Irregularity or failure of muscle coordination.
Speech delayed in reaching the point. Contains excessive or irrelevant details.
Change of focus in convo to loosely associated topic.
Persistent ofcus on previous topic/behavior after new topic has been introduced.
Flight of Ideas
Rapid shifts in thoghts from one idea to another
Thought blocking
interruption of though before it is carried through to completion
Pressured speech
Rapid/increased in amount. Hard to interrupt.
Poverty of speech
Limited speech
Nonspontaneous speech
Responses given only when spoken to directly
Perseveration in speech
Repetition of a word or phrase
false sensory perceptions not in response to external stimuli
misperceptions/misinterpretationsof real sensory events
subjective sense of being unreal or inanimate
Subjective sense that environment is unreal
State of serious depersonalization. Person assumes new identity with amnesia towards old identity.
Dissociative identity disorder
Appearance that person has developed 2 or more distinct personalities
Seperation or mental/behavioral processes from persons psychic activity

Mild dissociation would be like daydreaming, or when you are driving down a familiar stretch of road and realize that you do not remember the last several miles. A severe form is dissociative identity disorder.
Immediate memory
Ability to recall things withing seconds/minutes
Recent memory
Recall things from past few days
Recent past memory
Recall info from past few months
Remote memory
Recall distant past
Retrograde amnesia
Inability recall events prior to precipiitating event
In the DSM, what does Axis I identify?
Identifies clinical disorders/conditions that are the focus of clinical attention
In the DSM, what does Axis II identify?
Personality disorders or Mental retardation
In the DSM, what does Axis III identify?
General medical conditions
In the DSM, What does Axis IV identify?
Psychosocial/environmental problems.

-Primary support group
-Problems in social environment
-Educational problems
-Occupational problems
-Housing problems
-Economic problems
-Problems with access to health care
-Legal system/crime
In the DSM, what does Axis V identify?
Provides a global assessment of functioning.
Types of Schizophrenia
1 Paranoid
2 Disorganized
3 Catatonic
4 Undifferentiated
5 Residual
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Delusions, grandeur.
Auditory hallucinations
Negative symptoms less exhibited
Schizophrenia, disorganized type
Catatonic Schizophrenia
Severe disturbances in motor behavior: stupor, negativism, rigidity, excitement, posturing
Undifferentiated type (schizophrenia)
Do not clearly fit in a category
Residual type (schizophrenia)
Continued evidence present of schizophrenic behavior without complete set of diagnostic criteria
Schizophreniform disorder
Meets criteria for schizophrenia.
Episodes last 1-6 months
Schizoaffective disorder
Uninterrupted period of illness with a major depressive, manic or mixed episode

Meets critera A symptoms.
Delusional disorder
Non-bizarre delusions with the absence of other criterion A symptoms.
Brief psychotic disorder
Experiences at least one day, but less than a month, symptoms of schizophrenia from severe psychosocial stress.

Criterion A
Presence of 2 or more of the following:
disorganized speech
Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior (+ symptom)
Negative symptoms

Criterion B
Disturbance in one or more ares of functions uch as work, interpersonal relations, or self care

Criterion C
Continuous signs of illness for 6 months. Atleast one month of symptoms from criterion A.

Positive symptoms
Excesses or distortions of normal function (Criterion A)

Negative symptoms
Loss of absence of function:
Restricted emotion
Decreased though/speech
Lack of motivation and initiative
Inability to relate to others
Side effects of psychotic medications

pg 215 in 5th edition therapy ed, all are grouped together
Dry mouth
blurry vision
orthostatic hypotension
tardive dyskinesia
cardiovascular disorders
blood count monitoring

Neuropleptic Malignant Syndrome - leads to increased bp, tachycardia, sweating, convulsions, and coma
OT focus in acute setting for schizophrenia
Reality testing
Stabilize behavior
Engagee person in treatment process
Long term hospitalization focus with schizophrenia
normalizing environment
develop realisitic/meaningful d/c goals
develop skills needed to function for d/c environment
Intervention focus for schizophrenia in community settings
Maintenance of existing skills
Continue development of skills needed for (I) living
External structure to organize thinking, environment, and daily activities
OT treatement for substance abuse
Identify values/goals
Identify reasons for substance abuse
Develop coping skills/develop skills needed for substance-free lifestyle
Assist with obtaining housing, food stamps, etc
OT treatment for anxiety disorders
Skills training/cognitive behavioral approch to reduce avoidant behavior
Develope relaxation/stress menagement skills
Grade activities to promote confidence/motivation
Paranoid Peronality
Longstanding suspiciousness/mistrust
Refust responsibility for own feelings
Are hostile, irritable, and angry
Schizoid personality disorder
Frequently diagnosed - marked by lifelong pattern fo social withdrawel (discomfort with human interaction)
Constricted affect
Perceived by others as eccentric isolated or lonely.
Schizotypal personality
Odd strange in thinking/behavior.
Marked by magical thinking, peculiar ideas, illusions, and derealization.
Antisocial personality disorder
Inability to conform to social norms that involves many aspects of adolescent and adult development.
No regard for safety/feelings of others
Borderline personality disorder
Unstable self image, affec, mood, behavior, relationships

Fear of real/imagined abandonment leads to frantic efforts to avoid it
Recurrent self destrutive/self-mutiliating behavior may be threated or carried out
What are characteristics of Cluster A personalities?

Paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal
Odd & Eccentric
What are characteristics of Cluster B personalities?

Antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissitic
Dramatic, emotional, erratic
What are characteristics of Cluster C personalities?

Avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive
Anxious or fearful
Intervention focus for personality disorders
Cognitive behavior approaches and increase in function/coping skills

Identification of above issues