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21 Cards in this Set

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In the treatment of Parkinson's disease, most agents produce CNS effects that include dizziness or light-headedness, due to the increasing ____ levels in the brain.


The goal of drug therapy for Parkinson's disease is to restore the balance of these 2 chemicals in the brain.

What is Acetylcholine and Dopamine

These are environmental toxins that may cause development of Parkinson's disease.

What are pesticides, carbon monoxide and heavy metal (mercury) poisoning.

This is an enzyme that degrades the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. (Parkinson's)

What is Acetylcholinesterase

This is the subcortical nuclei located in the forebrain and brainstem that initiate, control, and modulate movement and posture. (Parkinson's)

What is the Basal Ganglia

This is slowness in initiating and carrying out voluntary movements. (Parkinson's)

What is Bradykinesia

The ability to take in information via the senses, process the details, commit the information to memory, and recall it when necessary is this.

What are cognitive functions

Cognitive function and motor impairment, as well as signs of memory loss and depression are signs of this disease.

What is Parkinson's Disease

This is a progressive and degenerative disease of neurons that affects muscle movement, cognitive functions, and emotions.

What is Huntington's Disease

These are pathways located in the substantia nigra that stimulate and inhibit movement, and are associated with this disease.

What are Nigrostriatal pathways and Parkinson's

These are two diseases that are classified as Neurodegenerative Diseases.

What are Parkinson's and Huntington's disease

This is a progressive disorder of the nervous system involving degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and causes impaired muscle movement.

What is Parkinson's Disease

This is a drug-induced condition that resembles Parkinson's disease.

What is Pseudoparkinsonism

Pseudoparkinsonism is a drug-induced condition caused by drugs used to treat these 2 medical disorders.

What are Schizopherenia and Hypertension

This is part of the basal ganglia containing clusters of dopamine-producing neurons, which are involved in motor coordination.

What is the Substantia Nigra

What neurochemicals have a role in Parkinson's disease?

Dopamine, GABA, Glutamate, and Acetylcholine are neurochemicals that all have a role in this disease.

In Parkinson's Disease, excessive stimulation of these neuron receptors causes depolarization, which leads to immobility.

What are cholinergic receptors (Acetylcholine)

In Parkinson's Disease, incorrect stimulation of these receptors by dopamine neurons results in impaired voluntary muscle movement.

What are GABA receptors

What side effects are associated with drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease?

In addition to CNS side effects, gastrointestinal distress, which include nausea, vomiting and decreased appetite, as well as lower blood pressure (Hypotension).

These drugs (generic) are used to reduce Cholinergic activity in Parkinson's disease.

What are benztropine and trihexyphenidyl

Both Huntington's and Parkinson's are both associated with defects in this part of the brain.

What is the Basil Ganglia