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18 Cards in this Set

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The three types of bone cells

Osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts

The four basic bone shapes

Long, short, flat, irregular

The two major sections of the skeleton

Axial and appendicular

Three classes of joints

Fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial

Elevated blood calcium results in increased activity by which type of bone cells?

Osteoblasts (cells remove calcium from the blood and store or in the bone)

Bones have two types; light and spongy ____ bone and dense, heavy ___ bone.

Cancellous and Compact

The most common type of bone marrow in older animals


True/false: Yellow marrow does not produce red blood cells

True: red marrow produces blood cells. yellow marrow aids in fat storage and cartilage production.

The area of a bone where a blood vessel may pass through

A. Canciculi

B. Foramen

C. Fossa

B. The Foramen (the fossa is the indented attachment point of muscles and tendons)

Of the bones in the skull, only the ____ is connected by a movement joint


The bones is the ear include the incus, the malleus, and the ____.

A. Maxillary

B. Stapes

C. Ethmoid

The stapes

The bone that separates the nasal passages to the left and right.

A. Vomer bone

B. Palatine bone

C. Turbinate/ nasal conchae

The Vomer bone separates the nasal cavity.

The most noticeable difference in vertebrae between a cat and dog would be found in the ___ section of vertebrae.

Coccygeal (coccygeal vertebrae can vary between species depending on the length of the tail)

The ____ vertebrae are characterized by their tall spinous processes and articular facets.

A. Lumbar

B. Cervical

C. Thoracic

C. Thoracic (the lateral facets form joints with the animal's ribs)

The three classifications of joints:

Synovial, cartilaginous, fibrous

True/false: cartilaginous joints are immovable and united by fibrous tissue. Found in the skulls and splint bones

False: fibrous joints are united by fibrous tissue

The ___ is the fibrocartilagenous joint structure helps to absorb shock.

A. Joint capsule

B. Synovial membrane

C. Meniscus

Meniscus (found between tibia and femur)

The antebrachium of the appendicular skeleton, is more commonly known as the ____.
