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18 Cards in this Set

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Energy balance

- energy in = energy out (no change)

- energy in > energy out (wt gain)

- energy in < energy out ( wt loss)

Basal metabolism

- basal metabolic rate (BMR)

- the minimum energy expended to keep a resting, awake body alive

- includes energy needed for maintaining a heartbeat, respiration, body temp

- amount of energy needed varies between individuals

Influences on basal metabolism

- factors that increase BMR

- body surface area

- body temp

- gender (male)

- lean tissue (muscle)

- nervous system activity

-factors that decrease BMR

- aging

- low calorie intake

Physical Activity

- increases energy expenditure beyond BMR

- more activity, more energy burned

- lack of activity is the major cause of obesity

Thermic Effect of food (TEF)

- energy uses to digest, absorb, and metabolic food nutrients

- less energy is used to transfer dietary fat into adipose stores-fat has lowest TEF

Estimation of calorie needs

- RMR (resting metaboluc rate)

- RMR x activity level = extra calories used

- RMR + extra calories = total enegy needs

1. Resting metabolic rate

- female RMR = .9 cal x kg weight x 24 hours

- male RMR = 1 cal x kg weight x 24 hours

163lbs ÷ 2.2 = 74

.9 x 74kg x 24 = 1598 RMR cal.

2. RMR x activity level = extra calories

- .2 = sedentary

- .5 = low active

- .7 = active

- 1.2 = very active

1598 x .2 = 319.6 extra cal

3. RMR + extra calories = total calorie needs

1598 + 320 = 1918 total cal

* if to loose weight (calculated by BMI)

123lb ÷ 2.2 = 56

56 x .9 x 24 = 1210

1210 x .2 = 242

1210 + 242 = 1452

Assessing for obesity

1. Body mass index BMI = weight (lbs) x 703/ inches 2

-not a measure of body fat; but is useful tool

- not used for athletes

2. Waist circumference/abdominal obesity

- male > 40 inches

- female > 35 inches

3. Bioelectrical impedence

- measures body fat

BMI results

- underweight = BMI < 18.5

- healthy weight = BMI 18.5 - 24.9

- overweight = BMI 25 - 29.9

- obese = BMI 30 - 39.9

-severly obese = BMI > 40

- BMI of 25 is atrigger that you are now at risk at health effects

Measurement of body's enegy needs

-direct calorimetry

- measures heat output from the body

- indirect calorimetry

- more O2 consumed =more energy used

Juvenile-onset obesity

- develops in infancy or childhood

- increase in the number of adipose cells

- adipose cells have long life span and need to store fat

- makes it difficult to lose the fat (weight loss)

Why diets dont work

- obesity is a chronic disease

- treatments requires long-term lifestyle changes

- dieters are misdirected

- unrealistic weight expectations

- more concerned about weight loss thab healthy lifestyle

- 1lb fat = 3500 cal/ 7 = 500 cal

3 components to healthy weight reduction

1. Control energy intake

2. Increase energy expenditure

3. Behavior modification

Behavior modification

- modify problem (eating) behaviors

- 3 behavior modification principles

1. Chain-breaking

2. Stimulus control

3. Contingency managemenr

- self monitoring

Chain -breaking

- breaking the link between two behaviors

- these links can lead to excessive intake

- snacking while watching tv

Stimulus control

- change your environment to minimize the stimuli for eating

- puts you in charge of temptations

Contingency management

- plan ahead

Diet pills

1. Drugs that block absorption

-side effects

- not absorption of fat'soluble vitamins A, D, E, K

- oily discharge

2. Drugs that decrease appetite

- side sffects

- brain psychosis

• insomnia

• sleepy

3. Drugs that increase energy

- increase heart rate

- increase blood pressure

Overall tips for weight control

1. Avoid high fat-high augar combo

2. Eat breakfast

3. Snack in afternoon

4. Eat small nutrient dense snacks throught day