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32 Cards in this Set

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Recognition of agency

The possibility of intervening positively or negatively to influence events.


a business or organization established to provide a particular service, typically one that involves organizing transactions between two other parties.

2 different levels of awareness

Practical and Discursive Consciousness

Practical Consciousness

- easily practiced but not easily into words.

Discursive Consciousness

Easily put into words.

The need for information when first joining organizations

-specific , task-related information

- vague, culture-related information

Incomplete/ Inaccurate information

-Newcomers fill in gaps of missing information with their own interpretations.

- Information is distorted

- Details left only information salient to the source may be kept.

New comers with a minority identity.

-struggle between selling out and staying who they are…

-What do you lose in objecting to differing organizational culture?

Organizational Assimilation

- The Process by which an individual becomes integrated into the culture of an organization.

- Individuals becomes assimilated through formal (e.g orientation and informal process within the organization.)

3 phases of Assimilation process

Anticipatory phase

Organizational Encounter


Phase 1: Anticipatory phase

Anticipatory socialization

-vocational anticipatory socialization

-Expectations about what it might be like to have a particular vocation or career.

-Influence organizational expectations and behavior expectations.

Organizational anticipatory socialization

-Information usually gathered as job seekers either intentionally or unintentionally.

- Information gathered before joining the organization.- influences expectations.

Phase 2: Organizational Encounter

-The individual enters and is a formal member of the organization.

-Information is shared through orientations training, formal and informal mentoring.

-Information is given to the newcomer and the newcomer actively seeks information.

Information seeking tactics

-overt questions

-Indirect questions

-Third-party questioning


-Disguiding conversations



Organizational Identification

- A strong and personal connection with the organization; a personal link to the organization or elements of the organization.


entities with which individuals seek a connection.


entities with which individuals seek a connection.


Purposefully distancing oneself from the organization.; different from low organizational identification.

Phase 3:Metamorphics

-Individuals alter their behavior and expectations to meet organization standards.

- Individuals may force ethical dilemmas if the organization or job position enables or encourage them to act unethically.

Criticisms of the assimilation approach*

-The process does not necessarily mean the individual assimilates him o herself completely to the organization.

-The individual and organization influence and are influenced by one another.

-Not everyone fits the mold with the assimilation process.

Organizational socialization

-The efforts of the organization to assimilate the individual (integrate the newcomers into the organizational; instill organization values and norms. (Defintion)

Factors affecting socialization

loyalty and congruency


a moral obligation to positively reflect the organization in all interactions.


the degree to which the values of the organization and individual values match.


- feels obligated to adapt easiest to socialize values line up with organizational values.

-High loyalty, high congruence


- Driven by a cause (or values) not a particular organization

-low loyalty, high congrugence


- incompatible goals(values) but high loyalty to organization, moral dilemma.

-High loyalty, low congruence


- does not last long within the organization.

-low loyalty, low congruence

Collective vs Individual tactics

Collective Socialization- socializing groups of newcomers together to create a shared sense of reality and increase group loyalty.

Individual socialization- isolated integration into the organization; less homogeneous.

formal vs informal

Formal socialization – newcomers are separate from existing members.

Informal socialization- lassiez-faire socialization; newcomers are not distinguished from existing members.

3. Sequential vs Random

Sequential socialization- strict & specific steps used to get newcomers to a desired role.

Random socialization- ambiguous or changing steps for newcomers.

Fixed vs Variable

Fixed Socialization- organization provides newcomer with an exact time at which they shall reach desired role .

Variable socialization- no real cues as to when newcomer will reach the target role.

5. Serial vs Disjunctive

Serial socialization- an experienced organizational member in a similar role helps the newcomer socialize; mentor relationhip.

Disjunctive socialization- new comer figures out the job by him or herself.

6. Investiture vs Divestiture

Investiture socialization- the organization affirms and welcomes individual characteristics.

Divestiture socialization- deny newcomers personal characteristics newcomers do dirty work.