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33 Cards in this Set

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Americans assumed that what would be the next British target

New York

Why did they think New York would be a target?

because of its sea access, Islands, rivers, and it seemed impossible to defend

Throughout July, who brought an army from Nova Scotia? How many men?

British. 34,000

What was the trouble in New York

Washington was outnumbered 4 to 1 and could not defeat the British

What one of Washington's aids hurried across the East River to New York City and returned with a fleet of fishing boats and other boats

Alexander McDougall

Washington sent Hessian soldiers where

Trenton, New Jersey

After making a stand at the Battle of Harlem Heights on Manhattan Island, Washington managed to get his troops where

across the Hudson River to relative safety in New Jersey

Washington and his men crossed the icy Delware River on Christmas night and and surprised them. What was the result

they captured 900 men

How did the British react to the Christmas night attack. What happened

They sent a large force under Charles Cornwallis. Washinton left decoy fires burning and marched to Princeton where they defeated a small British force

who would lead an army south from Montreal to New York

John Burgoyne

Burgoyne need to crush the Americans speedily or wait for rescue by ?

Sir Henry Clinton

Burgoyne attacked the Americans under Horatio Gates. Where?

Freeman's Farm near Saratoga

What was the result of the Battle of Saratoga

it took one British army out of war and forced Britain to give up any hope of taking the northern colonies

Although the victory helped Anerica's cause, it did not improve the Continental army's living conditions. It left them sick where ?

Valley Forge Pennsylvania

A new army quartermaster General ? tried to solve the supply problems

Nathanael Greene

The victory of Saratoga brought who into the war with the Americans


Who was actively fighting in the West

The British, Loyalists, and Indians

In 1778 what happened to the settlers of New York

they were massacred

who organized a force of 175 men to go into the Ohio Valley and drive Hamilton out

George Rogers Clart

merchant vessels outfitted to fight


most famous American naval officer

John Paul Jones

what two victories virtually freed New Jersey from the British

Trenton and Princeton

what American victory forced the British out of the North


The Continental Congress sent who south from Saratoga

Horatio Gates

The Patriots crossed the mountains in search of Ferguson and his Tory forces. They found them where?

Kings Mountain

Horatio Gates was replaced by who

General Nathanel Greene

Where did Morgan and his men capture most of Tarleton's men


French volunteer that seemed to be the only threat to Cornwallis

Marquis de Lafayette

what ended the eight year war with Britain. What year?

Treaty of Paris. 1783

Was was the result of the War

America's independence

what motivated teh over mountain men to fight the battle of Kings Mountain

they were told if they didn't, they would be killed

which of Cornwallis victories was so costly that it ultimately contributed to his defeat

when the British surrended at Yorktown

