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21 Cards in this Set

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The topographic theory of mind contains three levels: the unconscious, preconscious and conscious. Describe each.
UNCONSCIOUS MIND contains repressed thoughts and feelings that are not available to the conscious mind, and uses primary process thinking, a type of thinking associated w/ primitive drives, wish fulfillment, and pleasure seeking, and has no logic or concept of time. Primary process thinking is seen in young children and psychotic adults.
The PRECONSCIOUS MIND contains memories that, while not immediately available, can be accessed easily.
The CONSCIOUS MIND contains thoughts that a person is currently aware of. It operates closely with the preconscious mind but doesn't have access to the unconscious mind. Conscious mind uses secondary process thinking (logical, mature, time-oriented) and can delay gratification.
What is primary and secondary thinking and what topographic theory of the mind is each in (unconscious, preconscious, conscious)?
Primary thinking, in the unconscious mind, is a type of thinking associated with primitive drives, wish fulfillment, and pleasure seeking and has no concept of logic or time. It is seen in young children or psychotic adults.

Secondary thinking is seem in the conscious mind and is logical, mature, time-oriented and can delay gratification.
List the four MATURE defense mechs and define or give an example of each. (All others are immature.)
Mature defense mechs are altruism (assisting others to avoid negative personal feelings), humor (expressing personally uncomfortable feelings without causing emotional discomfort, sublimation, and suppression.
____________ is the basic defense mechanism on which all other defense mechanisms are based.
Repression, or pushing unacceptable emotions into the unconscious
Name the defense mechanism:
Avoiding personally unacceptable emotions by behaving in an attention-getting, often socially inappropriate manner.
A. Acting out
B. Displacement
C. Dissociation
D. Isolation of affect
E. Reaction formation
A. Acting out

see. p. 54, Table 6-2
Name the defense mechanism:
Assisting others to avoid negative personal feelings
Name the defense mechanism:
Not accepting aspects of reality that the person finds unbearable.
A. Denial
B. Displacement
C. Dissociation
E. Reaction formation
A. Denial
Name the defense mechanism:
Moving emotions from a personally intolerable situation to one that is personally tolerable.
A. Displacement
B. Dissociation
C. Humor
D. Projection
E. Reaction formation

Ex. surgeon with unacknowledged anger towards his mother is abrasive to the female residents on his service.
Name the defense mechanism:
Mentally separating part of one's consciousness from real life events or mentally distancing onself from others.
A. Displacement
B. Dissociation
C. Projection
D. Reaction formation
E. Splitting
B. Dissociation
Name the defense mechanism:
Expressing personally uncomfy feelings without causing emotional discomfort.
Name the defense mechanism:
Unconsciously patterning one's behavior after that of someone more powerful (can be either positive or negative).
Identification / introjection
Name the defense mechanism:
Using the mind's higher functions to avoid experiencing emotion.
A. Displacement
B. Dissociation
D. Intellectualization
E. Isolation of affect
D. Intellectualization
Name the defense mechanism:
Failing to experience the feelings associated with a stressful life event, although logically understanding the significance of the event.
A. Dissociation
B. Intellectualization
C. Isolation of affect
D. Projection
E. Rationalization
C. Isolation of affect
Name the defense mechanism:
Attributing one's own personally unacceptable feelings to others; associated with paranoid symptoms and prejudice.
A. Humor
B. Projection
C. Rationalization
D. Reaction formation
E. Splitting
B. Projection
Name the defense mechanism:
Distorting one's perception of an event so that its negative outcome seems reasonable.
A. Intellectualization
B. Isolation of affect
C. Projection
D. Rationalization
E. Splitting
D. Rationalization
Name the defense mechanism:
Adopting opposite attitudes to avoid personally unacceptable emotions, ie. unconscious hypocrisy.
A. Denial
B. Displacement
C. Projection
D. Reaction formation
E. Splitting
D. Reaction formation
Name the defense mechanism:
Reverting to behavior patterns like those seen in someone of a younger age.
Name the defense mechanism:
Categorizing people as either "fabulous" or "dreadful" because of intolerance of ambiguity. Seen in patients with borderline personality disorder.
Name the defense mechanism:
Expressing a personally unacceptable feeling (ex. rage) in a socially useful and acceptable way.
A. Displacement
B. Humor
C. Intellectualization
D. Rationalization
E. Sublimation
E. sublimation
Name the defense mechanism:
Deliberately pushing personally unacceptable emotions out of conscious awareness (the only defense mech that includes some aspect of consciousness).
Name the defense mechanism:
Believing that one can magically reverse past events caused by "incorrect" behavior by now adopting "correct" behavior.