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27 Cards in this Set

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a car that has been outside on a sunny summer day will be _____________ inside


Thermal energy can be ____________ from one object to another by __________, conduction, and convection

transferred. radiation

all objects, even ice cubes, radiate _________ energy


the only way for thermal energy to travel from the ______ to Earth is through radiation, that is because radiation is the only way for thermal energy to travel through the ________ or empty space

sun. vaccum

_______ occurs in solids, liquids, and gases


when particles that have different kinetic energies ___________, the particles that have _________ kinetic energy transfer energy to particles that have __________ kinetic energy, in this way the average kinetic energy or __________ of the materials change

collide. more. less. temperature

because kinetic energy is being transferred, __________ energy is also being transferred


_________ is the transfer of thermal energy between materials because of collisions between the particles


conduction does not stop until the ________ energy of all the particles that are in contact is ___________

thermal. equal

a material through which thermal energy flows easily is called a _______________, a material through which thermal energy does not flow easily is called a ____________

thermal conductor. thermal insulator

____________ are good thermal conductors because they have _________ that move easily, so they often collide with other particles and transfer _________ energy easily

metals. electrons. kinetic energy

_________ are good thermal insulators because their electrons do not ________ easily, so compared with thermal conductors few __________ occur between electrons and atoms of insulators

nonmetals. move. collisions

_________ is the amount of thermal energy it takes to increase the temperature of 1 kg of a material by 1 degree C

specific heat

water has a __________ specific heat, which have a low ____________

high. cooling

an increase in a materials volume when the temperature is increased is called _______, this occurs because _________ get closer together as their kinetic energy decreases

Thermal contraction. particles

the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of particles from one part of a material to another is called ___________, convection occurs in _____________ liquids and gases

convection. fluids

convection occurs, in part, because of differences in _____________ due to thermal _____________ and thermal contraction in different parts of the material

density. expansion

the movement of fluids up and down in a cycle because of convection is called __________, these ________ use patterns in Earth's climate

convection current, currents

movement of fluids up and down in a cycle because of convection

convection current

_________ is the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of particles from one part of a material to anotehr


________ is a material trough which thermal energy flows easily

thermal conduction

___________ is the amount of thermal energy it takes to increase the temperature of 1kg of a material by 1 degree C

specific heat

_______ is the transfer of thermal energy from one material to another by electromagnetic waves


a decrease in a materials volume when the temperature is decreased

thermal contraction

the transfer of thermal energy between materials because of collisions between the particles is called ?


a material through which thermal energy does not flow easily

thermal insulator

an increase in a materials volume when the temperature is increased

thermal expansion