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13 Cards in this Set

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No programming

These programs do not emphasize specific practice of future motor skills

Instruction should be withheld until the infant learns body control

Infants are to be left on their back until they are capable of changing the position

Nonrestrictive clothing advocated

Hard-soled shoes are discouraged


Parent takes an active role in moving baby limbs of the infant during activity

Infant walkers, bouncers, etc., are encouraged

Specialized equipment is available

Many programs make indiscriminate claims about success of early motor development


Preschoolers need to be provided with certain types of play activities that are essential in development but not available at home

Program has seven levels from 0 months to 5 years

Activities: Balancing, fundamental movement, locomotion switching, changing directions/speeds, socialization, imagination

Swim Programs

The American Academy of Pediactrics and American Red Cross state:

Infant and toddler aquatic programs DO NOT decrease the risk of drowning

Children are not ready for swimming lessons until their 4th birthday

Early swimming does not equal more rapid or higher level of mastery of swim skills, children are not physically, motorally, cognitively, and quite likely socially not ready.


water intoxication

occurs when an individual ingests so much water that the body's electrolytes are reduced and kidneys cannot filter excess fluid

common in those who practice forced or frequent submersion


a parasitic condition which develops due to cyst growth in the digestion tract

causes diarrhea and is easily transmitted to others in a pool


shower after class

wear tight-legged diapers/pants

do not participate with illness/diarrhea

Other Cautions

gases and aerosols found in an indoor swimming environment

children involved in infant swim programs had pulmonary cell damage and modifications to the permeability of the epithelial barrier in the lungs

-risk of asthma

-recurring bronchitis

Swim Program Guidelines

-Children are not ready for formal swim lessions until their 4th birthday

-Avoid total submersion

-Provide measure for avoiding fecal contamination in the pool

-Children should never be dropped or pushed into water

-Babies chill easily; limit exposure

Suzuki Method of Violin Playing

-The child begins lessons at 2 to 2 1/2 years

-Child's motivation is important

-Child should not be forced into taking lessons

-A properly sized violin is used

-Competition discouraged

Little is known about the residual effects of such early programming

Head Start Programs

-Designed to give financially disadvantaged children a "head start" in education

-The major goal of Head Start is to "enhance the social competence of children from lower income families"

-Social competence= ability to deal with the present environment in school and for life

Facts About Head Start

-Began in 1965 as part of President Johnson's War on Poverty

-"disadvantaged child was falling further and further behind with each school year

Head Start Benefits

-Children were 10 times more likely to complete a high school education without failure compared to their socioeconomic counterparts

-ADC reported that programs like Head Start and other preschool programs affected children's long-term performance positively

Infant Walkers

-Designed to support babies who cannot yet walk independently

-There are many questions about safety and efficacy of the device to promote early walking

-Babies in walkers are greatest cause of head injuries under age 2, lots of dangerous acts involved.