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71 Cards in this Set

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Sensory transduction
the process by which sensory information is “transferred” into changes in the cells’ membrane potential
Color is perceived by 3 dimensions
3 Types of Eye Movements
cooperative movements that keep both eyes fixed on the same target
rapid, jerky movement of the eyes
--used in scanning
movement made to maintain an image of a moving object on the fovea
outer layer, transparent, admits light
paque, does not permit entry of light
pigmented ring of muscles behind the cornea
opening in the iris, regulates the amount of light that enters (changes size)
immediately behind iris, series of transparent layers
--Ciliary muscles: contraction alters shape of lens
--Accomodation – changes in lens shape permit the eye to focus images of near or distant objects on the retina
Vitreous Humor
clear, gelatinous substance that fills the main part of the eye. Gives the eye it’s shape.
Iris contraction contributions to...
Dialation; opens to allow for maximum light
neural tissue and photoreceptive cells that line the back of the eye. Part where the light ray hits. When it hits the retina, vision is initiated.
Visual acuity
the ability to see detail in objects
rods and cons
central region of the retina
Optic Disk
where axons conveying visual info gather together and leave the eye through the optic nerve
Blind Spot
produced by the optic disk because no receptors are located there
the shape of the lens based on distance .....
far away: the lens gets flat
Close: ciliary muscle contracts, lens gets curved
Visual accommodation
the process of adjusting the lens; gives us visual acuity
1. Approximately 6 million; provide the most information about the environment. Day time vision
2. Prevalent in central retina; found in the fovea. Responsible for color vision
3. Sensitive to moderate-to-high levels of light
4. Information about hue (discriminates between different wavelengths)
5. Excellent acuity. Do not detect motion . Pretty sensitive to light.
1. Approximately 120 million; used in dimly lit environment (more sensitive to light)
2. Prevalent in peripheral retina; not found in the fovea
3. Sensitive to low levels of light
4. Only monochromatic information
5. Poor acuity . Do detect motion
light passage through the eye..
1. Cornea
2. pupil
3. lens
4. vitreous humor
5. retina ... vision is iniated
vision definition
lihtwave into a neural message
Rods and the cones are called_______ and are located in the _________
photoreceptors; retna
Cones located in the _______ of the retna
in the phobia (center of the Retna). there are no rods here
Rods see_________ and Cones see ______
Rods: black white and grey
Cones: color; hues
Anatomy of the Retina
Photoreceptor layer
Bipolar Cell Layer
Ganglion Cell Layer:
Horizontal cells
Amacrine cells
optic disk
where the axons come together to form the optic nerve; there are no rods or cones here. Blind spot
Photoreceptor layer
back of retina; rods and cones; forms connections with bipolar cells. Deepest layer of the retina
Bipolar cell layer
connects the photoreceptor and ganglion cell layers; forms synapses with ganglion cells. The axon’s meet and form the optic nerve.
Ganglion Cell Layer
axons travel through optic nerves and carry visual information to the brain.
Horizontal cells:
interconnect adjacent photoreceptors and outer processes of bipolar cells
Amacrine cells
interconnect adjacent ganglion cells and inner processes of bipolar cells
a protein dye bonded to retinal, a substance derived from Vitamin A
-- Responsible for transduction of visual information
-- 3 in cones; 1 in rods
2 parts of photopigments
opsin + retinal
particular opsin found in rods. When light hits rhodopsin, the light breaks it into opsin and retinal.
NT released by vision
Glutamate in vision system is ___________
In vision hyperpolarization reduces the __________
release of glutamate
Light does _______ to the photopigments
Bleaches it. Takes it from pink to a very pale yellow;
Retino-geniculate-cortical pathway
visual neural pathway
eye to the cortex
Axons of the retinal ganglion cells
bring information to the brain, ascend through optic nerves, to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the thalamus
6 Layers of the Dorsal LGN
--Magnocellular layers = inner 2 layers, large cell bodies
Transmits information necessary for perception of form, movement, depth, and small differences in brightness. It’s colorblind. Does not detect fine detail.
---Parvocellular layers = outer 4 layers, small cell size
Transmits information necessary for perception of color and fine details. Color vision. Newer part of the geniculate nucleus. Detects fine detail. High spatial resolution
association cortexs
processes the meaning
Receptive field
the portion of the visual field in which presentation of visual stimuli will produce an alteration in the firing rate of a particular neuron
Two streams of visual analysis
Dorsal stream
Ventral stream
Dorsal Stream
recognizes where the object is located and whether it is moving
Terminates in posterior parietal lobe
----Receives mostly magnocellular input
Ventral Stream
recognizes what an object is and what color it has
Terminates at inferior temporal cortex
Receives approximately equal input from magnocellular and parvocellular/koniocellular systems
Subarea V4
(extrastriate cortex) = analysis of form and color
Damage to V4 = color constancy disruption
(inferior temporal cortex) = color vision
Damage to TEO = severe color vision impairment/color perception
(inferior temporal cortex) = color perception AND memories of colors of particular objects
Damage to V8 = cerebral achromatopsia (inability to discriminate among different hues; “vision without color”)
striate cortex
contains neurons that are sensitive to to orientation and spatial frequency
---send information to the extrastriate cortex
extrastriate cortex subregions
These subregions analyze the info and send it along the ventral stream toward the temporal neocortex
Inferior temporal cortex (ventral stream)
Recognition of visual patterns and identification of particular objects
Analyses of form and color are put together and perceptions of 3D objects and backgrounds are achieved
2 major regions of inferior temporal cortex
posterior area (TE) and anterior area (TEO)

TE and TEO participate in the recognition of objects – rather than the analysis of specific features

Damage = severe deficits in visual discrimination
Visual Agnosia
deficits in visual perception in the absence of blindness
Apperceptive visual agnosia
failure to perceive objects; still able to read and recognize objects by touch

*****Damage to ventral stream
Associative visual agnosia
inability to identify objects that are perceived visually; form of the perceived object can be drawn or matched with similar objects

Difficulty transferring visual information to verbal mechanisms

****Cause = disruption of connections between the ventral stream and the brain’s verbal mechanisms
failure to recognize particular people by the sight of their faces; can recognize that they are looking at a face, but cannot say whose face it is
usually recognize people by their voice
***damage to Fusiform face area (FFA):
Fusiform face area (FFA):
involved in perception of faces and other complex objects that require expertise to recognize
V5 (medial temporal, MT):

***Damage to V5 = severely disrupts ability to perceive moving stimuli
MST (medial superior temporal)
complex patterns of movement (radial, circular, and spiral motion)
MSTd (dorsolateral MST)
analysis of optic flow
Information about the relative distance of objects from the observer and of the relative direction of movement
Perception of Motion (V5)
Bilateral damage to area of brain that includes V5 = akinetopsia (inability to perceive movement)
Optic Flow (MT+)
Lesion = perceive motion but cannot perceive heading from optic flow
Form from Motion
perception of movement can help us perceive 3D forms
Lesion = no perception of form from motion
Biological Motion
(Extrastriate Body Area) neurons activated by sight of human body parts
Balint’s Syndrome:
bilateral damage to the dorsal stream. In your parietal occipital region ; 3 major symptoms.

1) Optic ataxia: deficit in reaching for objects under visual guidance

2) Ocular apraxia: deficit of visual scanning. They cannot scan a room and get all the objects in it.
3) Simultanagnosia: difficulty in perceiving more than one object at a time.
Extrastriate cortex
region of the visual association cortex that surrounds the striate cortex
--Receives fibers from striate cortex and superior colliculi
--Projects to the inferior temporal cortex