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44 Cards in this Set

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-la parada
-el paradero
-ir a parar
-la escala/hacer escala
-stop for pub. transport
-to end up, whereabouts
-stop for air/sea transport
-el cruce
-la cruz
- to cross from one side to another
-to go/pass through something
-crossroad/intersection, cross breed
-religious cross
-el piso
-el apartamento/departamento
-la planta
-el suelo
-la vivienda
-spnam = floor; spn = apartment
-spnam, apartment
-number of levels/stories
-soil, inside finished floor
-to throw with violence
-to throw away, with damage
-throw gently, evict, fire
-throwing a certain distance
-throw away, fire, evict, bounce
-echar de menos
-SpnAm = to miss/suprise
-Spn = to miss
-literary, nostalgia
-not arriving on time/failing to understand
-estar en cueros
-el nudista
-naked, nude
-more pop. undress
-dar un examen
-sufrir un examen
-examinarse de
-aprobar (pasar) un examen
-SpnAm = take an exam
-to take an exam
-to take an exam
-to pass an exam
- to fail, used with 'a'
-la eleccion
-optar por
-choice, election
-choosing the best
-choice or pref. expressed as a decision
-clear pref. btwn a small number
-care and comparison, large group
-SpnAm, leaving a place
-to exit/to go out of
-literary, leave someone
-to leave a place
-to leave someone/thing
-filthy (pig)
-filthy (pig)
-smooth to touch, soft - pleasing to sense
-not hard
-comfort for physical objects
-physical things and circumstances
-romper a
-echar(se) a
-empezar a
-comenzar a
-sudden beginning
-begin with verbs of motion, with the se for suddenness with verbs of emotion
-both lack specific emphasis
-disfrutar a sus anchas
-disfrutar de
-gozar de
-to enjoy freely, have a good time
-to have use of/benefit from (ie priveledges
-real pleasure or joy
-el rezo
-hacer una oracion
-la plegaria
-to pray (aloud)
-formal/lit; aloud or silently
-prayer (less common)
-prayer more common
-when favor is sought
-el bizcocho
-el pastel
-la tarta
-cake (pound/sponge)
-sing. = large pastry/cake, pl. small individual pastries; also meat filled pie
-Spn. cake with more layers, fruit pie
-el muro
-la muralla
-la pared
-el paredon
-la tapia
-el tabique
-el malecon
-masonry wall
-protective wall
-standard wall
-wall in ruins
-garden wall
-sea wall
-move lower to higher posit.
-body or body part
-motion towards the speaker
-motion away from the speaker
-normal heart beat
-mixing ingredients/vigorous heart beating; break a record
-to hit/injure
-to beat someone/win
-el asombro
-to amaze
-intense state of amazement; stunned
-la almohada
-la almohadilla
-el almohadon
-el cojin
-bed pillow/for head
-small cushion
-large pillow/cushion
-small pillow/cushion
-superficially pretty
-deep beauty
-artistic beauty
-spnam - hermoso; spn - bonito
-asomarse a
-come into sight
-appear at a window/opening
-appear before a judge/official
-shriek, shout loudly
-scream, verbal messages
-to bark
-to meow
-to moo
-to purr
-delay/lateness, mental retardation
-written spn, admin lang
-decrease in speed, put off/postpone
-la majaderia
-el disparate
-la tonteria
-la estupidez
-la locura
-all mean foolish act/statement
-el muchacho
-el chaval(a)
-el nino
-el nene
-el chico
-el bebe
-el joven
-el infante(a)
-el adolescente
-young child, adolescent/teen
-Spn. = nino/muchacho
-any child up to puberty
-infant/nursing baby
-heir to Spn. throne
-estirar la pata
-objective reporting of death
-perish, die in violent manner
-euph. last mom. of life
-kick the bucket
-more careful or thorough than bas verb
-repition, redoing
-la ramita/la rama/el ramo
-el gorro/la gorra
-el charco/la charca
-el leno/la lena
-el gimnasio/la gimnasia
-twig/branch/smaller branch
-cap, bonnet/cap w/ visor
-la fila
-la hilera
-la linea
-el renglon
-la raya
-la cola/hacer cola
-straight line of ppl
-trees, inanimate obj
-to line up
-written line
-stripe/line on page
-tail, line up waiting
-el timbre
-el cascabel
-la campana
-el cencerro
-la campanilla
-spring/electric bell
-bell with ball inside, cat bell
-large bronze church like bell
-farm animals (cow bell)
-w/ estar = to be awake
-intelligent, clever, sly
-la calle
-la carretera
-la autovia
-el carril
-el peaje
-la autopista
-la autopista de peaje
-el camino
-la via
-public thoroughfare in town
-highway/major road
-new freeway more lanes than carretera
-lane (spn)
-toll road
-road path
-lane (spnam)
-el lugar
-el sitio
-el paraje
-el local
-la localidad
-place where something is kept
-secluded, deserted, remote place
-indoors, business estab.
-la punta
-el punto
-en punto
-a punto
-estar a pundo de + inf
-poner a punto
-sharp pointed end
-point in time
-specific hour, sharp
-on time, punctual
-to be about to do something
-to tune up, adjust, get something ready
-roll over something
-to run over with a car
-crush or flatten
-to totally destroy
-to put/place
-put something within
-put in approp. place
-small, like key in lock
-presistant/contin. persuing
-ppl. or goals
-annoy, bother, pester
-lash or whip, harass
-la escapatoria
-la fuga/fugarse
-la huida/huir
-la evasion/evadirse
-the getaway, escape route
-flee, rapid escape w/ place
-flight, escape rapidly
-notion of concealment of action
-el poder
-la potencia
-la fuerza
-to be able, power to act
-measurable mechan./elec energy
-physical strength to accomplish something
-darse cuenta de
-caer en la cuenta
-become aware of something
-stresses suddenness
-el dolor
-el sufrimiento/sufrir
-el padecimidento/padecer
-pain, ache
-to have a pain (de+noun)
-phys/ment suffering; without complaint
-phys/ment suffering, for a long time
-w/ hambre, sed, dolor, anguistas, calor
-regalar/hacer un regalo
-el regalo
-el don
-el presente
-el obsequio
-el donativo
-la dadiva
-give a gift
-natural gift or talent
-ceremonial gift
-to gain favor of recipient
-private gift of money to institution
-freely given, to ppl of lower social position