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40 Cards in this Set

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First Continental Congress (1774)
Was made so they can prepare how they are going to speak with the British with there views they now have.
Patrick Henry
A radical delegate from Virginia.
Samuel Adams, John Adams
A radical delegate from Massachusetts.
George Washington
A moderate delegate from Virginia.
John Dickinson
A moderate delegate from Pennsylvania.
John Jay
A conservative delegate from New York
Joseph Galloway
A conservative delegate from Pennsylvania.
Suffolk Resolves
/rejected the Intolerable acts and called for their immediate repeal.
economic sanctions
Another word for boycotts.
Declaration of Rights and Grievances
A petition telling the king to make things right in the colonies when they come back.
Paul Revere
Never did got caught after 45 minutes, and yes Mrs. Gibson you have it stuck in my brain now :)
William Dawes
Had to go without meeting Paul Revere since he got caught.
Another name for militia which is a small unofficial army.
Where General Thomas Gage went to first April 18, 1775.
The second place where General Thomas Gage went too and was abused by Patriot soldiers.
Battle of Bunker Hill
June 17, 1775 America lost Breed's Hill mistaken with Bunker Hill though America took so many casualties that they really won in that battle.
Second Continental Congress (1775)
Delegates meet in May at Philadelphia
Declaration of the Causes and Necessities for Taking Up Arms
For colonies to provide troops for the army.
Olive Branch Petition
This was to make peace with Britain instead of us getting full independence.
Prohibitory Act (1775)
King George declared the colonies in rebellion, and months later trade was stopped between the colonies and Britain.
Thomas Paine; Common Sense
This was a pamphlet written to show the colonist that we do not need an island governing us if we are bigger and can handle ourselves.
Declaration of Independence
Congress now wants independence and with this document it tells Britain to get out because of your horrible treatment toward us.
Thomas Jefferson
Drafted the Declaration of Independence.
Were lower class farmers and other civilians who went and fought against the British using whatever they had for independence.
Loyalists (Tories)
Colonist who were wealthy and leaders set by the Crown and wanted to keep their positions in the New World.
Valley Forge
Where George Washington set camp in the winter of 1777-1778 at Pennsylvania.
Valley Forge
Where George Washington to camp in the winter of 1777-1778 in Pennsylvania.
Was the paper money Congress issued for the colonies but then because of inflation it became worthless.
George Rogers Clark
Was a soldier from Virginia and the highest ranking American military officer on the northwestern frontier during the American Revolutionary War.
Battle of Saratoga
Turning point of the American Revolutionary war at New York in October 1777.
absolute monarch
Leader of a country with no person of law holding back their power.
Battle of Yorktown
Last major battle of the Revolutionary war With Washington against General Charles Cornwallis which surrendered at this battle.
Treaty of Paris (1783)
First America would be considered a independent nation, second the Mississippi River would be the western boarder of the United States of America, third Americans would have fishing rights off the shore of Canada, last Americans would pay debts toward British merchants, and honor all clams made by Loyalists who's property was confiscated.
Articles of Confederation
The first constitution written by John Dickinson in written in 1776 adopted by Congress by 1777.
unicameral legislature
A one house congress that needed a unanimous vote to pass Articles.
Land Ordinance of 1785
This kept a land separated for public education.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
This ordinance set rules for new states and developing territories, and prohibited slavery.
Shays' Rebellion
This was a farmer who got other farmers in rage about taxes, imprisonments of debts, and lack of paper money. So they went and stopped collections of taxes and forced closings of debtor's courts.
Mary McCauley (Molly Pitcher); Deborah Sampson
Women who both took the place of their husband in war.
Abigail Adams
The wife of John Adams who was very political though was still put in second-class.