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33 Cards in this Set

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Longitudinal design

A research design in which one participant or group of participants is studied over a long period of time

Cross-sectional design

Is a research design in which several different age groups of participants are studied at one particular time

Cross-sequential design

Is a research design in which participants are first studied by means of a cross- sectional design but also followed and assessed for a period of no more than 6 years


Is the influence of our inherited characteristics in our personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interaction


The influence of the environment on personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions

Dominant gene

Is a gene that refers to a gene that actively controls the expression of a trait.

Recessive gene

Is a gene that refers to a gene that only influences the expression of a trait when paired with identical gene


A tightly wound strand of genetic material, or DNA


When there is a union of the ovum and sperm


When a person becomes pregnant


The female sex cell


The cell resulting from the uniting of the ovum and sperm that divides into many cells and eventually forms the baby

Germinal period

Is the first two weeks after fertilization, during which the zygote moves down to the uterus and begins to implant in the lining


Is the name of the developing organism from two weeks to eight weeks after fertilization

Fetal period

Is the name of the developing organism from eight weeks after fertilization until birth


Is anything that can cause a birth defect

Critical periods

Times during which certain environmental influences can have an impact on the development of the infant


Infants are born with these to help them survive

Cognitive development

Is the development of thinking, problem solving, and memory schemes. It is a concept through experiences with objects and events

Sensorimotor stage

Is Piagets first stage of cognitive development in which the infant uses its senses and motor abilities to interact with objects in the environment

Object permanence

Is the knowledge that an object exists even when it isn’t in sight

Pre operational stage

Piagets second stage in which the preschool child learns to use language as a means to explore the world


Is the idea of Piagets theory that the ability to understand that simply changing the appearance of an object does not change the objects nature


The inability to see the world Through anyone else’s eyes

Concrete operations stage

Third in Piagets stage in which the school age child becomes capable of logical thought process but is not yet capable of abstract thinking

Formal operational stage

Piagets fourth stage that indicates that the adolescent is now capable of abstract thinking


Is the behavioral characteristics that are fairly well established at birth


The emotional bond between an infant and the primary caregiver

Trust vs mistrust

Erik sons stage of personality development in which the infant’s basic sense of trust and mistrust develops as a result of consistent or inconsistent


The physical changes that occur in the body as sexual development reaches its peak

Personal fable

Common thought in adolescents in which young people believe they are unique and protected from harm


According to Erickson the sense of wholeness that comes from living a full life and ability to let go of regrets

Activity theory

The adjustments to aging and assumes that older people are happier if they exercise