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74 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is not a layer of the epidermis

Papillary layer

Which of the following is incorrectly paired

Tactile cells: anchor the skin to the body

Earwax is made by

Ceruminous glands

In thick skin, you would expect the “ “ to be more prominent than it is in thin skin

Stratum lucidum

What is the role of the hair matrix

The hair matrix produces hair

Sweat is secreted by

Suderiferous glands

Which layer of the epidermis is responsible for regenerating the most superficial layers

Stratum basale

What layer of the dermis is directly below the epidermis

Papillary layer

Which skin pigment is made in the skin itself


Which of the following represents A difference between Eccrine sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands

The secretions of apocrine sweat glands contain more fat and protein than do the secretions of eccrine glands

Sebum does not

Protect the skin from uv radiation

The skin consists of three main regions.

Hypodermis, dermis, epidermis

Which of the following best explains the fact that eyebrows do not grow as long as the hair on the head

The follicles of the eyebrows are active for a few months

Which of the following does not protect the skin from bacteria

The temperature of the skin

The most common type of skin cancer is

Nasal cell carcinoma

A cancerous growth on the skin will likely exhibit


Which skin appendages aid cooling the skin when the body temperature or the external environmental temperature is high

Eccrine sweat glands

Sam is so cold that he has goosebumps. what causes goosebumps

Attractor pili muscles pulling hair follicles into an upright position

What layers of the skin are damaged in a second degree burn

The epidermis and the superficial regions of the dermis are damaged

What part of the dermis gives rise to friction ridges (fingerprints)

The papillary layer

Melanin helps to protect skin cell DNA from damaging effects to ultraviolet radiation


What is a metabolic function of the skin

Synthesis of vitamin d

The skin is not which type of barrier


The epidermis uses a modified form of cholesterol to produce vitamin D procursor


Hair and nails are made primarily of calcium


Our skin helps us to regulate our body temperature


The biggest risk factor for the development of skin cancer is excessive exposure to sunlight


What is the most common type of skin cancer

Basal cell carcinoma

Susan sat out in the sun watching a baseball game. She developed small blisters on her unprotected shoulders and neck. What type of burn is represented by the formation of the blisters

Second degree burn

What protects the fetus skin within the water filled amniotic sac

Vernix caseosa

Which of the following is a way in which the somatic and autonomic nervous system’s are similar

Both systems have motor fibers

For which of the following activities is the parasympathetic nervous system generally responsible

Resting and digesting

Oculomotor nerve are responsible for which of the following functions

Focusing the eyes on close objects

Once a preganglionic axon reaches a trunk ganglion, one of three things can happen to the axon. Which of the following is not one of these three things

The axon can emerge from the sympathetic trunk to synapse in another axon

Which of the following is not an autonomic nervous system effector

Skeletal muscle

Which of the following does not receive branch fibers on the vagus nerves

Inferior hypogastric plexus

Which of the following does not receive branch fibers on the vagus nerves

Inferior hypogastric plexus

Why might an individual experience the phenomenon known as referred pain

Visceral pain afferents travel along the same pathways as somatic pain fibers

Which of the following does not receive branch fibers on the vagus nerves

Inferior hypogastric plexus

Why might an individual experience the phenomenon known as referred pain

Visceral pain afferents travel along the same pathways as somatic pain fibers

The two types of receptors that bind acetylcholine are “ “ and “ “ receptors

Nicotinic & muscarinic

Which types of drugs are used to help relieve depression.

Drugs that prolong the activity of norepinephrine on the postsynaptic membrane help to relieve depression

Which types of drugs are used to help relieve depression.

Drugs that prolong the activity of norepinephrine on the postsynaptic membrane help to relieve depression

Which division of the nervous system has short preganglionic neurons


Which types of drugs are used to help relieve depression.

Drugs that prolong the activity of norepinephrine on the postsynaptic membrane help to relieve depression

Which division of the nervous system has short preganglionic neurons


Which of the Following is not a function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS

Emergency action

Which of the following best demonstrates an example of cooperation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system‘s

Parasympathetic stimulation causes best elevation of blood vessels in the penis leading to erection sympathetic stimulation that causes ejaculation

Which of the following target organ systems is affected by the sympathetic nervous system, but not affected by the parasympathetic nervous system?

Cellular metabolism & coronary blood vessels

The sympathetic nervous system is often referred to as the resting and digesting system


Blood shunting is a dangerous situation in which the vital organs shut down causing the body to go into circulatory shock


Which Autonomic neurons release norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter

Sympathetic postganglionic neurons

What is the effect of norepinephrine on the heart

An increase heart rate

The two divisions of the ANS normally have what relationship


The major function of the conjunctive ear is to

Produce mucus to prevent the eyes from drying out

Which of the following is not an accessory structure of the eye


Ringing in the ear is called


Vision is fully developed at birth


Where are equilibrium receptors located

In the semi circular canal’s and in the vestibule of the ear

The final step in perceiving sound is

The auditory cortex is stimulated

I color is determined by the level of brown pigment present


Which ear ossicle connects to the inner ear


The receptor organ for hearing is the

Spiral organ of corti

The boundary between external and middle ear is the

Tympanic membrane

Choose the correctly paired terms

Nyctalopia : night blindness

The visible colored portion of the eye is the


Which of the following is a role of the vitreous humor

It supports the posterior surface of the lens

Which of the following is a characteristic of the lens

The lens focuses light on the retina

Which accessory I structures functions to produce the tears that cleans and protect the eye

Lacrimal glands

Which structure of that I provide nutrition to all Eye layers


What part of the eye constitutes the Blindspot

Optic disc

Which photo receptors respond to very dim light


Even though we have two eyes why do we normally see only one image

Information from each eye goes to both hemispheres for processing

Most taste buds are located

On the tongue