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28 Cards in this Set

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age structure
Number of individuals in each age category for a population
biotic potential
Of population growth for a given species, the maximum rate of increase per individual under ideal conditions.
carrying capacity
The maximum number of individuals in a population (or species) that a given environment can sustain indefinitely.
Group of individuals from a population from the time of birth until the last one dies.
demographic transition model
Model that correlates changes in population growth with four stages of economic development.
A population's vital statistics.
density-dependent control
Factor that limits population growth by reducing the birth rate or increasing death and dispersal rates (e.g., predation, parasitism, disease, competition).
density-independent factor
Factor that causes a population's death rate to rise independently of density (e.g., a severe storm or flood).
doubling time
Time it takes for a population to double in size.
[Gk. oikos, home, + logos, reason] The scientific study of how organisms interact with one another and with their environment.
Permanent move by a resident out of a population.
exponential growth
Pattern of population growth in which population size expands by ever-increasing increments during successive intervals, because its reproductive base becomes ever larger. Size increases against time plot out as a J-shape curve.
One or more individuals moves from its population and takes up permanent residence in another population of its species.
J-shaped curve
Type of diagrammatic curve that emerges when unrestricted exponential growth of a population is plotted against time.
life history pattern
Patterns of reproduction, survival, and life expectancy for a population.
limiting factor
Single factor that limits the growth, abundance, or distribution of the population of a species in an ecosystem.
logistic growth
A population growth pattern. A low-density population slowly increases in size, enters a phase of rapid growth, then levels off in size once the carrying capacity has been reached.
Recurring round trip between two or more regions in response to environmental rhythms (e.g., seasonal change).
net population growth rate per individual (r)
For population growth equations, a variable combining rates and death rates; assumes that both remain constant in specified interval.
population density
Count of individuals of a population in a habitat (by area or volume).
population distribution
Dispersal pattern for individuals of a population through a habitat.
population size
The number of individuals that make up the gene pool of a population.
Variable in population growth equations that signifies net population growth rate. Birth and death rates are assumed to remain constant and are combined into this one variable.
reproductive base
The number of actually and potentially reproducing individuals in a population.
S-shaped curve
Type of diagrammatic curve that emerges when logistic population growth is plotted against time.
survivorship curve
Plot of age-specific survival of a group of individuals in the environment, from the time of birth until the last one dies.
total fertility rate
(TFR) The average number of children being born to women of a specified population during their reproductive years.
zero population growth
Of a population, no overall increase or decrease during a specified interval; population size is stabilized.