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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the typical manifestation and clinical time line for bipolar disorder?
alternating between manic and depressive states with period of normal mixed in there.

There are 4 types of mood episodes.
What is the best way to determine therapeutic lithium levels?
Lithium has a low therapeutic index. As a result, toxicity can occur at blood levels only slightly greater than therapeutic levels. Accordingly, monitoring lithium levels is mandatory.

The trough level, measured 12 hours after the evening dose, should be less than 1.5 mEq/L.
0.8 to 1.4 mEq/L for acute therapy

• When plasma levels exceed 1.5 mEq/L, more serious toxicities appear. At drug levels above 2.5 mEq/L, death can occur. Patients should be informed about early signs of toxicity and instructed to interrupt lithium dosing if these appear.

In adherent patients, the most common cause of lithium accumulation is sodium depletion.
how and why are body sodium balance is important in maintaining steady blood lithium levels and responses to the drug?
A reduction in sodium levels will reduce lithium excretion, causing lithium to accumulate—possibly to toxic levels. Patients must maintain normal sodium intake and levels.
What are some drug and diet related habits that affect lithium levels?
sodium intake and NSAIDS both cause the excretion of Lithium to slow down to dangerous levels.
What are the four types of mood episodes that Bipolar patients could expereience?
o Pure manic episode: Manic episodes are characterized by persistently heightened, expansive, or irritable mood—typically associated with hyperactivity, excessive enthusiasm, and flight of ideas.
o Hypomanic depressive episode: Hypomania can be viewed as a mild form of mania. As in mania, mood is persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable.
o Major depressive episode: A major depressive episode is characterized by depressed mood and loss of pleasure or interest in all or nearly all of one’s usual activities and pastimes.
o Mixed episode: In a true mixed episode, patients experience symptoms of mania and depression simultaneously. Patients may be agitated and irritable (as in mania) but may also feel worthless and depressed. The combination of high energy and depression puts them at significant risk of suicide.
What three types of drugs is Bipolar disorder treated with?
Bipolar disorder is treated with three kinds of drugs: mood stabilizers, antipsychotic drugs, and antidepressants.
What drugs are used to treat acute episodes of bipolar disorder?

Long term?
Mood stabilizers or a mood stabilzer + antidepressant.

More than one mood stabilizer is used in long term treatment
Why are antidepressant alone not used to treat bi polar disorder?
using an antidepressant alone may induce mania so they are usually paired with a mood stabilizer
What are the three main pharmacotherapeutic functions of Mood stabilizers in tx of bi polar disorder?
(1) relieve symptoms during manic and depressive episodes;
(2) prevent recurrence of manic and depressive episodes; and
(3) do not worsen symptoms of mania or depression, and do not accelerate the rate of cycling.
What are the preferred mood stabilizers for tx of bi polar disorder?

and which situation is each reserved for?
Lithium and Valproic Acid

Carbemazepine is another option but not as popular

Lithium is reserved primarily for patients with classic (euphoric) mania;
valproic acid is generally preferred for all other patients.

Omega 3 fish oil can also be used but this means the patient must decrease Omega 6 which negates the effects of Omega 3.
What is the time course when using Lithium to treat bipolar disorder?
• Antimanic effects begin 5 to 7 days after treatment onset—but full benefits may not develop for 2 to 3 weeks.
What are some common side effects that occur at therapeutic Lithium levels?
Common side effects that occur at therapeutic lithium levels include tremor, goiter, and polyuria.
Lithium drugs may be ______?
What was the first antiseizure med approved for use in BI polar disorder?
Valproic acid (Depakene, Depakote, Depacon)
Although Valproic acid has a higher therapeutic index than Lithium, how dangerous is it and what can occur at toxic levels?
it can cause serious toxicity. Of greatest concern are rare cases of thrombocytopenia, pancreatitis, and liver failure—all of which require immediate drug withdrawal.
What is the indication for anti psychotics in tx of BPD?
are used acutely to treat manic episodes and long term to help prevent mood episodes. Benefits occur in patients with and without psychotic symptoms.
What are the two groups of antipsychotics used? Which are preferred for BPD?
conventional agents (eg, haloperidol) and atypical agents (eg, olanzapine).

The atypicals are preferred
Which 5 atypicals are approved for BPD?
• Five agents are approved for BPD
o Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
o Quetiapine (Seroquel)
o Risperidone (Risperdal)
o Aripiprazole (Abilify)

the most popular are Olanzepine and Risperdal for this condition
o Ziprasidone (Geodon)
In BPD...
Many pts also receive an _____?
Some pts also require an
antipsychotic med.
In BPD ...
Some pts also require an______?
antidepressant med.
What is the DOC for tx of BPD?
Valproic Acid
Who are considered high risk patients for lithium therapy?
Pregnant women (esp 1st trimester)
Pts with renal & CV disease; dehydration, sodium depletion and those concurrently taking diuretics.
What can the nurse advise pts to decrease gastric upset when taking lithium?
Take drug with meals or milk.
What will the nurse teach the pt about causes of lithium accumulation?
Kidney function should be monitored yearly.
Maintain a normal sodium intake.
Diarrhea can cause significant sodium loss.
Use diuretics with caution.
What can the nurse tell the pt to do to counteract the polyuria that occurs with lithium treatment?
Instruct pts to drink 8 to 12 glasses of fluid daily to maintain hydration.
A patient with bipolar disorder is taking lithium. Which of the
following signs and symptoms exhibited by the patient would
indicate lithium toxicity
Polydipsia, slurred speech, and fine hand tremors
A patient with bipolar disorder is taking lithium. Which statement made by the patient indicates a need for further teaching?
“I will restrict my sodium intake while taking this medication.”
When administering lithium carbonate, which of the following assessments would indicate that therapy has achieved the desired effect?
controlling the manic episodes but not causing sedation.
A patient has decided to try fish oil to treat her BPD. It is important for this patient to decrease intake of:
vegetable oils which have Omega 6 fatty acids
What are the other actions taken in tx of BPD besides drug therapy?
Psychotherapy and education ( maintaining stable sleep pattern, regular pattern of activity, avoiding alcohol and psychoactive drugs, support, reducing stress, keeping a mood log to monitor progress)