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24 Cards in this Set

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What are parallels?
One set of circles that describe the position on the earth.
What is latitude?
The angular distance north or south of the equator.
What are meridians?
They are used to describe locations east or west of the prime meridian.
What is the prime meridian?
The meridian at 0 degrees.
What is Longitude?
The angular distance measured east or west of the prime meridian.
What is a great circle?
Any circle that divides the globe into halves.
What are geomagnetic poles?
The points on the earths surface just above the poles of the imaginary magnet.
What is magnetic declination?
The angle between true north and geomagnetic north.
What is true north?
The direction of geographic north.
What is cartography?
The science of map making.
What is a map projection?
A flat map the represents the earth surface.
What is a Mercator projection?
Mercator projections show accurately:
Areas near the equator are accurate.
Compass directions are straight and true. N S E W
Latitude and longitude are accurate.
Shapes of oceans and continents are accurate.

Mercator Bad:
Land and ocean areas near the poles are greatly distorted in size.
Meridian appear as equally- space, straight, parallel lines when actually they meet at the poles.
What is a gnomic projection?
Gnomonic Map:
Areas near the point of contact (usually one of the poles) are fairly accurate.
Great circle appear as straight lines.
Therefore, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line drawn on this map.
Navigators on ships and aircraft can easily find the great-circle route.

Gnomonic bad:
Distortion of distance and direction increases as the distance form the point of contact increases.
This projection can show only one-half of the world on one map.
What is a conic projection?
Conic projection map:
Areas near the parallel of latitude where the cone touches are fairly accurate.

Conic map bad:
Areas far from the line of contact are distorted.
What is a Polyconic projection?
Conic projections put together.
What is a legend?
A list of symbols and their meanings.
What is a scale?
The length on a map that equals the distance in real life on earth.
What is elevation?
Height above sea level.
What is mean sea level?
The midway point between the highest and lowest point on a map.
What are contour lines?
Lines around an area to show elevation. Brown lines in circular shapes.
What are contour intervals?
The difference in elevation between one contour line and the next.
What is relief?
The difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points of the area being mapped.
What are index contours?
To make reading a map easier, every fifth contour line is printed bolder than the others. These show the elevation on them.
What are depression contours?
These show depressions with short straight lines in them.