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11 Cards in this Set

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Lymphatic system

- made up of small vessels, ducts and valves

- most fat-soluble nutrients are absorbed into this system

- bypasses the liver before entering the bloodstream

- does not have a pumping organ ( heart )

Vascular system

- made up of veins and arteries

- water-soluble nutrients and small fat-soluble nutrients absorbed into this system

- travels to liver before dispersed throughout body

- heart keeps nutrients circulating through the body

The liver

- portal vein connects small intestine to liver

- filters the blood, removes and processes nutrients

-manufacturers material for export to other parts of the body (makes stuff to send)

- destroys toxins to keep them out of circulation

Metabolism of Alcohol

- liver: main site

- protects heart and brain

- alcohol dehydrogenase: enzyme in liver that breaks down alcohol

Alcohol effects on the body

- brain: dementia, memory loss

- liver: cirrhosis

- heart disease: increased triglycerides, blood clots

- HBP: increased blood pressure

- cancer: mouth, stomach, colon and breast

- fetal alcohol syndrome: mental retardation, facial abnormalities, poor growth

- fetal alcohol effects: not as evident as above

- hangover symptoms

- headache: dehydration

• alcohol is diuretic

- urinate

- tired: no REM

• rapid eye movement

- nausea/vomitting: alcohol irritates stomach lining

• ulcer can develop

- stomach cancer

- light-headed: blood glucose levels drop

Phases of digestion

- physical

- chewing: muscles along GI tract that divide food into smaller pieces and mix w/digestive secretions


- enzymes: to make liwuid paste

- acid: in stomach

Anatomy of GI tract

- mouth

- saliva: mucus, amylase (enzyme)

- chewing

- esophagus

- transports food

- epiglottis

- flap of tissue

- when breathing epi. covers the esophagus

- when swallowing epi covers trachea

- LES (lower esophageal sphincter)

- prevents reflux

- on top of stomach

- on bottom of esophagus

- stomach

- chyme: liquid-paste

- not much absorption

- mucus lining: protection

- gastric juice

- hydrochloric acid (HCL)

• breakdown food

• prevents bacteria

• how chyme is made

- fat delays emptying

- pyloric sphincter

- prevent reflux

- bottom of stomach

- top of small intestine

- controls flow

- small intestine

- digestion and absorption

- main site

- no mucus lining

- illeocecal valve

- prevent reflux

- bottom of small int.

- too of large intestine/colon

- colon (large intestine)

- waste products

- dead cells

- bacteria

- not digested-fiber

- absorption of water, minerals

- rectum

- waste held before excretion

- anal sphincter

- expels waste


- passive absorption: high to low

- facilitated absorption: high to low

- carrier (helper)

- active absorption: low to high

- energy

- carrier


- difficult or infrequent bowel movement

- caused by slow motility in the intestine

- medications or supplements of calcium/iron can slow motility

- waste material stays in the colon longer

- infections: colon cancer

- Treatment: fiber, fluids, fit


- loose, watery, frequent stools

- caused by products moving too rapidly through intestine

- bacteria and viruses irritate lining and can cause rapid motility

- nutrients and waste material move too quickly

- lack of absorption

- treatment: plenty of fluid


- AKA heartburn

- symptoms: burning pain in chest


1. LES opens after closing

2. Ate too much

3. High fat meal

4. Go lay down

5. Overweight/ obesity

6. Pregnancy


1. Small meals

2. Low fat meals

3. Dont lay down

4. Lose weight


1. LES never closes

2. Caffeine

3. Alcohol

4. Pepper

5. Aspirin

6. Nicotine


1. Avoid/limit


- esophageal ulcers: cancer