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141 Cards in this Set

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1. Preventing or inhibiting sleep.

2. An agent that prevents or inhibits sleep.


The death of cells, tissues, or organs.


Infiltration of the skin with fibrous material.


A tumor that is both fatty and cartilaginous.


A primary germ layer of the embryo lying between ectoderm and endoderm. From it arise all connective tissues; muscular, skeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, and urogenital systems; and the linings of the body cavities.


Muscular weakness.


A monocyte that enters and remains within a particular tissue.


A swelling or excrescence (tumor) emanating from a mucous membrane; commonly found in vascular organs such as the nose, uterus, colon, and rectum. Polyps bleed easily; if there is a possibility that they will become malignant, they should be removed surgically.


An abnormal number of histiocytes in the blood.


Unconsciousness or stupor produced by drugs.


Abnormal thickening of the fingernails or toenails.


A skin infection caused by certain fungi of the genera Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Microsporum.


1. Pertaining to sleep or hypnosis.

2. An agent that causes an insensitivity to pain by inhibiting afferent impulses or by inhibiting the reception of sensory impressions in the cortical centers of the brain, thus causing partial or complete unconsciousness.`


A mental disorder in which there is severe loss of contact with reality, evidenced by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech patterns, and bizarre or catatonic behavior.


A soft, yellow plaque or nodule on the skin, containing deposits of lipoproteins inside histiocytes.


Lack or loss of strength; debility; any weakness, but esp. one originating in muscular or cerebellar disease.


Inflammation of the cardiac muscular wall and membranous lining.


An acute infectious inflammation of the anterior horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord.


1. An excessive amount of fibrin in the blood.

2. The presence of inositol in the blood.


The epidermis surrounding a nail.


1. The formation and secretion of sweat.

2. Excessive sweating.


Absence of free hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It may be associated with gastric carcinoma, gastric ulcer, pernicious anemia, adrenal insufficiency, or chronic gastritis.


Leukemia with chlorosis.


Thickening of arterial walls due to overgrowth of muscle fibers.


Stretching of the renal pelvis as a result of obstruction to urinary outflow.


Protrusion of mucous membrane through the wall of the trachea.


A condition of having fingers or toes of equal length.


Inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin.


A yellowing of the skin seen in carotenemia resulting from ingestion of excessive quantities of carrots, squash, egg yolk, and other foods containing carotenoids. The condition is usually harmless, but it may indicate an increase of lipochromes in the blood caused by other conditions such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, or a malignancy.


Inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord or brain, usually but not always caused by an infectious illness.


A toxin that causes the death of cells.


Muscle tissue tumor containing fatty elements.


A relatively uncommon inflammatory disease of skeletal muscles, marked by symmetrical weakness of the proximal muscles of the limbs, elevated serum muscle enzymes, evidence of muscle necrosis on biopsy, and electromyographic abnormalities.


Ulcer of the cornea.


Spider fingers; a state in which fingers and sometimes toes are abnormally long and slender.


Pain in or around a cartilage.


An angioma containing cartilaginous elements.


The fusion, usually congenital, of one or more fingers or toes. q


A tumor composed of both cartilaginous and bony substance.


1. Pertaining to nonreproductive cells or tissues.

2. Pertaining. to the body.

3. Pertaining to sensations perceived as originating from superficial or muscular structures of the body rather than sensations seeming to come from the internal organs (the viscera).


Liver inflammation with jaundice.


A condition of excessive inequality in the size of cells, esp. erythrocytes.


Backward spasm of the neck, sometimes preceding an epileptic attack.


A fusion of the lower extremities.


Abnormal thickening of the fingernails or toenails.


A fungal infection of the nails usually caused by Trichophyton and Tineaspecies and occasionally by Candida or other fungi. The hallmarks of the disease are thickening, scaling, and discoloration of the nailbed.


An excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.


Fungi in the blood.


Any skin disease resulting from a poison.

Choose the correct definition of podocyte.

special epithelial cell with numerous footplates

What kind of disorder is psychosis?

it is a mental disorder

Choose the correct definition of psychometry.

measurement of psychological variables

Choose the correct definition of cyanoderma.

blue or darkish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes

Choose the correct term for 'yellowness of the skin.'


What is the location of the mesoderm in relation to the endoderm and the ectoderm?

it lies between them

Choose the correct definition of metamyelocyte.

transitional cell intermediate in development between a myelocyte and a mature granular leukocyte

Choose the correct definition of chlorosis.

iron-deficiency anemia

What does the prefix of achlorhydria indicate about the stomach?

the absence of hydrochloric acids

Macrodactylia indicates what condition of the digits?

excessive size

Choose the correct definition of podencephalus.

deformed fetus in whom most of the brain is outside the skull and is attached by a thin pedicle

Meningitis is the inflammation of what?

membranes of the spinal cord or brain

Choose the correct definition of hypnoidal.

resembling sleep

Choose the correct definition of dyshidrosis.

disorder of the sweating apparatus

Dermatosclerosis indicates what about the skin?

infiltration of the skin with fibrous material

Choose the correct definition of helcosis.


Choose the correct definition of acanthocyte.

abnormal erythrocyte with spines sticking out from its cell membrane

Choose the correct definition of chondroangioma.

angioma containing cartilage

Choose the correct term for 'inflammation of cartilage.'


Choose the correct term for 'excessive sweating.'


Choose the correct term for 'pain in the neck.'


Where does a histiocyte reside?


Choose the correct definition of splenicterus.

inflammation of the spleen associated with jaundice

What does the prefix of antihypnotic indicate about sleep?

prevention or inhibition

The term psychosomatic refers to the relationship of what?

the brain and the body

Choose the correct term for 'inflammation of fibrous tissue.'


Choose the correct term for 'tumor composed of tissue.'


Inosemia indicates an excessive amount of what where?

fibrin in the blood

Choose the correct term for 'under the (finger) nail; nail bed.'


What occurs where with mycethemia?

fungi in the blood

With onychomycosis, where does infection occur and what is the cause?

in the nails; fungi

How is the cornea affected with helcoma?

there is an ulcer

What does arachnodactyly indicate?

unusually long, slender fingers and toes

Choose the correct term for 'fewer than the normal number of fingers and toes.'


Choose the correct definition of anonychia.

absence of nails

Choose the correct term for 'muscular weakness and abnormal fatigue.'


What does a necrocytotoxin do?

causes death to cells

Choose the correct definition of myeloid.

pertaining to or produced in bone marrow

Polymyositis is a relatively uncommon inflammatory disease of what?

skeletal muscle

Choose the correct definition of myosclerosis.

hardening of muscle

Choose the correct term for 'inflammation of the skin with (thickening and) hardening.'


Choose the correct term for 'tumor originating in the bone marrow cells.'


Choose the correct definition of trachelismus (trachelism).

backward spasm of the neck

Choose the correct definition of myodynia.

muscle pain

Choose the correct definition of acrohyperhidrosis.

excessive perspiration of the hands and feet

What is the condition of syndactylous digits?

the digits are fused

What does the prefix of hyperchlorhydria indicate about hydrochloric acids in the stomach?

an excess

Choose the correct definition of meningomyelocele (myelomeningocele).

hernia of the spinal cord and meninges

Choose the correct definition of polyneuritis.

inflammation of multiple peripheral nerves simultaneously

Choose the correct definition of lipochondroma.

a tumor both fatty and cartilaginous

Choose the correct definition of epidermitis.

inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin

Myoendocarditis is inflammation of what?

the cardiac muscles and membranous lining

What is fused with sympodia?

the lower extremities

Choose the correct definition of myolipoma.

muscle tissue tumor containing fatty elements

Choose the correct term for 'enlargement of the liver.'


What condition does pseudoicterus resemble?


Perionychium is what where?

the epidermis surrounding the nail

Choose the correct term for 'resembling an ulcer.'


Hidrosis is the formation and secretion of what?


Choose the correct definition of meningoarteritis.

inflammation of the meningeal arteries

What is the cause of arteriomyomatosis, the thickening of arterial walls?

an overgrowth of muscle fibers

Choose the correct term for 'lacking water.


Choose the correct definition of antasthenic.

relieving weakness

Choose the correct definition for poliomyelitis.

acute infectious inflammation of the anterior horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord

Choose the correct term for 'cells of equal size.'


Choose the correct definition of symbiotic.

Choose the correct definition of symbiotic.

What does the suffix of histiocytosis indicate about histiocytes?

an abnormal condition

Where does pain appear with chondralgia?

in cartilage

Choose the correct term for 'numbness following sleep.'


Choose the correct definition of hematomyelia.

hemorrhage into the spinal cord

Which correctly describes pachyderma?

unusual thickness of the skin

Dermatomycosis is a skin condition caused by what?


Choose the correct definition of dermalgia.

pain localized in the skin

What do hypnotics induce?


With melanoleukoderma, what is the appearance of the skin?

mottled (dark and light)

Toxicoderma is skin disease resulting from what?


Choose the correct definition of xanthocyte.

cell containing yellow pigment

Choose the correct definition of neuromyelitis.

inflammation of nerves and the spinal cord

To what does the word somatic generally pertain?

the body

Choose the correct definition of antinarcotic.

to oppose the action of a narcotic

Osteochondroma is a tumor composed of what?

cartilaginous and bony substances

Choose the correct definition of xanthemia.

carotene in the blood, marked by yellowing of the skin

Choose the correct definition of anti-icteric.

preventing or relieving jaundice

Choose the correct definition of neurohistology.

microscopic anatomy of peripheral nerves and the central nervous system

Choose the correct definition of dermatomyoma.

myoma of the skin

Which best describes xanthoma plaques or nodules?


Choose the correct definition of narcosis.

unconsciousness or stupor produced by drugs

How is xanthosis best described?

a yellowing of the skin

Choose the correct definition of osteoporosis.

loss of bone mass throughout the skeleton

Where does the protrusion of trachelocele occur?

in the tracheal wall

Choose the correct term for 'an excessive number of nails.'


a cartilage cell
