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31 Cards in this Set

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GI bill of rights
Provided pensions and government loans to help veterans starts businesses ad buy homes or farms
Employment act
To ensure economic growth
Council of economic advisors
To confer with the president on economic policy
Taft Hartley act
Gave judges the power to end strikes and outlawed closed shop agreements
Committee on civil rights
To examines racial issues
Political party that called for continued segregation
J. Storm Thurmond
South Carolina governor
Henry Wallace
Former Vice President left democratic part and found the new progressive party
Thomas Dewey
Presidential candidate
Fair deal
A series of new reforms
Oveta culp hobby
Modern republicanism
Te new Approach to domestic affairs
Greatly increased productivity
George meanie
First president to boast that he never had led a strike
Highway act
Contributed to suburban growth
Baby boom
Increase n population by 90%.
Juvenile delinquency
Antisocial behavior f the young
Rock n roll
Teenagers used this to escape the conformity
Elvis Presley
Rocks lading talent
Brown v.s board of education
Main case
Thurgood Marshall
NAACP lawyer
Little rock nine
African Merican students
Rosa parks
African American seamstress
Montgomery improvement association
Group of local civil rights laders
Martin Luther king jr.
26 year old baptist minster
Civil rights act of 1957
Made it a crime to prevent qualified people from voting
Felix longoria
Mexican American solder killed during WWII
League of united latín American citizens
Formed in 1929
Ralph Ellison
Published invisible man
Jack Kerouac
Wrote on the road
Urban renewal
To irove towns and cities