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46 Cards in this Set

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Huge corporations run by single families that had monopolized the Japanese economy.
Potsdam Conference
Meeting between Allied leaders.
Nuremberg Trials
German war crime trials
Adolf Eichmann
An architect of the Jewish extermination program
Hideki Tojo
Japan's premier during the war that was sentenced to death in the trials of Tokyo
United Nations
International organization
Trygve Lie
United Nations' first secretary-general. From Norway.
Eleanor Roosevelt
One of the first U.S. delegates to the UN.
The movement seeking a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
David Ben-Gurion
Zionist leader.
Ralph Bunche
US diplomat that persuaded both sides of the Arab-Israeli War to accept an armistice
satellite nations
Countries under Soviet control
Restricting the expansion of Soviet communism.
Cold War
The competition for global power and influence between these two superpowers
George Kennan
State Department official and Soviet expert that suggested a policy of containment
Baruch Plan
Proposal that would impose penalties on countries that did not follow international rules.
Atomic Energy Act
Act that created the civilian controlled Atomic Energy Commission to oversee nuclear weapons research and to promote peacetime uses of atomic energy.
Truman Doctrine
Truman's speech to congress stating " It must be the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation [conquest] by armed minorities or by outside pressures."
George C. Marshall
Secretary of State who feared that economic problems would make Western Europe more vulnerable to Communists' influence.
Marshall Plan
European Recovery Program
Berlin Airlift
US and British planes carried more than 2 million tons of food and supplies to the people of West Berlin.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Each member nation pledged to defend the others in the event of an outside attack.
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance between the Soviet Union and other communist countries in Eastern Europe.
Going to the brink of war in order to stop the spread of communism.
Chiang Kai-shek
Led the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) against the Chinese Communists.
Mao Zedong
Chinese Communist Party leader
Kim Il Sung
Leader of Communist North Korea
Syngman Rhee
President of South Korea
Douglas MacArthur
US Army's Far East commander who was also in command of the forces in action against communism?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
New president in the election of 1952.
Central Intelligence Agency
Agency created to gather strategic information and pursue Eisenhower's Cold War goals.
Nikita Khrushchev
Soviet's new leader who accused Stalin of having committed many ruthless crimes.
U-2 incident
When the Soviet Union shot down an American U-2 (high-altitude spy plane) and US officials insisted that it was a weather-research plane that had strayed off course but the captured pilot admitted he had been on a spying mission.
hydrogen bomb
A type of nuclear bomb that uses liquid Hydrogen
National Security Council
Advised the president on strategic matters.
House Un-American Activities Committee
Congressional committee originally created in 1938 to investigate fascists; became known for investigating US citizens accused of communist ties in late 1940s
Hollywood Ten
Group of film directors and writers who went to jail rather than answer questions from the House Un-American Activities Committee
Alger Hiss
Accused of being a Communist spy who gave secret State Department documents to pass on to the Soviets.
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
Accused of providing the Soviet Union with atomic-energy secrets during WWII
Internal Security Act
Law that required suspected Communist groups to register with the government and imposed controls on immigrants suspected of being Communist sympathizers
Joseph McCarthy
Wisconsin senator who fueled the suspicions that Communist spies and sympathizers were everywhere.
Margaret Chase Smith
Republican Maine senator who challenged McCarthy
Billy Graham
Evangelist who warned of the danger of nuclear war and urged Americans to turn to God.
First artificial satellite
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Agency established by Congress in 1958 to promote space technology.
National Defense Education Act
Federal law that appropriated money to improve education in science, math, and foreign languages.