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18 Cards in this Set

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reverend josiah strong
wrote 'our country: its possible future and its present crisis'. tried get support for missionaries overseas.
interpreted by teddy roosevelt and senator henry cabot lodge that earth belonged to strong and fit (u.s.) ex: africa being divided up in 1880's by europeans.
cpt. alfred thayer mahan
wrote 1890, 'influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783.' said control of sea was key to world dominance. stimulated desire for stronger navy
big sister policy
pushed by james blaine. idea to open latin america markets to u.s. some succes with 1st Pan american conference
Great rapprochement
(reconciliation) between u.s. and britain. 'patting the eagles head'. seen first when britain decided to back off over issue of british guina and venezuela (gold discovered)
Teller Amendment
under mckinley (1898) said when u.s. had overthrown spanish misrule it would give cubans their freedom
Foraker Act
1900, gave puerto ricans a limited popular government, ex. outlawed cock fighting
insular cases
court said that 'flag did outrun constitution' meaning that puerto ricans and fillipinos treated more like subjects rather than citizens-werent given same rights(bill of rights)
Open Door policy
secretary state john hay's idea that after chinas defeat by japan countries in china's 'spheres of influence' would agree not to interfere with chinese rights and maintain fair competion, mainly towards russia and germany
-later included 'territorial integrity' not just commercial
Election of 1900
rep. mckinley (with vice prez TR) and dem. william jennings bryan. Democrats anti-imperialism and pro free silver policy. Rep. thought that 'bryanism' (anti prosperity and protectionism<-- (imperialsim),and free silver policy) would destroy country. mckinley wins murdered shortly later.
Pauncefote Treaty of 1901
removed previous Clayton-Bulwer treaty (between u.s. and britain) that said u.s. could build canal route. new treaty said u.s. could in fact build isthmian canal as well as fortify it.
17th Amendment
1913, direct election of u.s. senators by state
Muller v. Oregon
led by attorney Brandeis court agreed with him that said that women should get special factory labor protections, seems discriminating but progressives saw it as victory.
Lochner v. NY
invalidated law of 10 hr. work day for bakers but later upheld 10 hr. day for factory workers.
Elkins Act
1903, because interstate commerce commission was inadequate this was passed which could impose fines on railroads that gave rebates on also fines on the shippers that accepted them
Hepburn Act
1906, commerce commission expanded powers to include regulation of express companies, sleepingcar companies and pipelines. it could also nullify rates and stipulate maximum rates.
Pure food and drug act
designed to protect mislabeling/adulteration of foods and medicines, unlike meat inspection act that just inspected meat that helped big business b/c removed 'fly by night' meat companies.. both in 1906
Aldrich-Vreeland Act
passed as response to 'Roosevelt panic' 1907-8. said banks would issue emergency currency in return for various types of collateral