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22 Cards in this Set

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Removal of material from the surface of an object, in the context of cardiology, it is the purposeful destruction of heart muscle cells, usually in an attempt to control a dysrthymia.

Antiarrhymthmic Medication

A medication that suppresses or prevents a dysrhythmia.


Distorted, irrelevant and extraneous electrocardiographic (ECG) waveforms.


Ability of the cardiac cells to initiate an electrical impulse.


Electrical current administered in synchrony with the patient's own QRS complex to stop a dysrythmia


Rate of impulse formation


Trasmission of electrical impulses from one cell to another


Electrical current administered to stop a dysrhythmia, not synchronized with the patient's QRS complex


Process by which cardiac muscle cells change from more negatively charged to a more positively charged intracellular state.


Conduction velocity


Disorder of the formation or conduction (or both) of the electrical impulse within the heart, altering the heart rate, heart rhymth, or both and potentially causing altered blood flow (also referred to as arrhythmia)

Elective replacement indicator (ERI)

A signal produced by a pacemaker when it is interrogated to indicate a near depleted battery.

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)

A device implanted into the chest to treat dysrhythmias


Force of myocardial contraction

P Wave

The part of an ECG that reflects conduction of an electrical impulse through the atrium- atrial depolarization


A dysrhythmia that has a sudden onset and/or termination and is usually of short duration

PP interval

The duration between the beginning of one P Wave and the beginning of the next P wave- used to calculate atrial rate and rhythm

PR interval

The part of an ECG that reflects conduction of an electrical impulse from the sinoartial node through the atrioventricular node

T wave

The part of an ECG that reflects repolarization of the ventricles

TP interval

The part of an ECG that reflects the time between the end of the T wave and the beginning of the next P wave- used to identify the isoelectric line

U wave

The part of an ECG that may reflect Purkinje fiber repolarization, usually, it is not seen unless a patient's serum potassium level is low or has had a MI

Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)

A rhythm that originates in the ventricles