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28 Cards in this Set

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Pilonidal Cyst or Sinus
- a hair containing cyst or sinus located on the midline over the coccyx or lower sacrum
- often opens as a dimple with visible hair or may appear as a palpable cyst
- when advanced has a palpable sinus tract
- congenital but usually diagnosed between the ages of 15-30 years
- a painful longitudinal tear in the superficial mucosa at the anal margin
- 90% occur in the posterior midline area
- frequently accompanied by a papule of hyper-plastic skin, called a sentinel tag
- results from trauma (large stool)
- person has itching, bleeding, and pain
Pruritus Ani
- intense perianal itching manifested by red, raised, thickened, excoriated skin around anus
- common causes in children are pinworms
- adults usually a fungal infection
Rectal Abscess
- a localized cavity of pus from infection in a pararectal space
- persistent throbbing rectal pain
- three types (perianal, ischiorectal, submucosal)
Fecal Impaction
- a collection of hard, desiccated feces int he rectum
- obstruction results from decreased bowel motility, where more water is reabsorbed from the stool
- complains of constipation or diarrhea as a fecal stream passes around impaction
Rectal Carcinoma
- a malignant neoplasm in the rectum is asymptomatic, routine rectal palpation is important
- early lesion may be a single firm nodule, you may palpate an ulcerated center with rolled edges
- later it has an irregular cauliflower shape and is fixed and stone-hard.
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
- symptoms: urinary frequency, urgency, hesitancy, weak stream, nocturia, straining to urinate
- objective: symmetric nontender enlargement, prostate feels smooth, rubbery, or firm with the median sulcus not present
- symptoms: fever, chills, malaise, urinary frequency and urgency, dysuria, urethral discharge, dull, aching pain in perineal and rectal area
- objective: very tender enlargement is acute inflammation of the prostate gland yielding a swollen, slightly asymmetric gland
* chronic inflammation signs vary and can feel normal
Prostate Carcinoma
- symptoms: frequency, nocturia, hematuria, weak stream, hesitancy, pain or burning on urination, continuous pain in lower back, pelvis, thighs
- objective: starts as a single hard nodule on the posterior surface, producing asymmetry and a change in consistency. Later multiple hard nodules appear or the entire gland feels stone hard and fixed
- abnormally present blood in stool
- black stools may be tarry due gastrointestinal bleeding
- bleeding usually in upper GI tract
- non-tarry black stool may be due to iron medications
- red blood in stool which occurs with gastrointestinal bleeding or localized bleeding around anus, and also with colon and rectal cancer
- bleeding usually lower in GI tract
What does clay color stool indicate?
- indicates absent bile pigment
- excessive fat in the stool as in malabsorption of fat
Valsalva maneuver
- hold breath and bear down
- female genital mutilation
- first menstrual period
- mean age 12 -13
- heavy menses
- absent menses
- painful bleeding
- number of pregnancies
- number of births
Bartholin's glands
- asses by palpating the posterior parts of the labia majora with your index finger in the vagina and your thumb outside
- should feel soft and homogeneous
Herpes simples virus- type 2 (herpes genitalis)
- symptoms: episodes of local pain, dysuria, fever
- objective: clusters of small, shallow vesicles with surrounding erythema, erupt on genital area and inner thigh,
vesicles rupture in 1 to 3 days, leaving painful ulcers
- initial infection lasts 7 to 10 days virus remains dormant indefinitely
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genital Warts
- symptoms: painless warty growths, may be unnoticed by woman
- objective: pink or flesh-colored, soft, pointed, moist, warty papules. Single or multiple in a cauliflower patch
Uterine Prolapse
- protrusion of uterus into vagina with straining or standing
Bluish Cervix- Cyanosis
- bluish discoloration of the mucosa occurs noramlly in pregnancy and known as the Chadwick's sign at 6 to 8 weeks gestation)
- also occurs with any other condition that causes hypoxia or venous congestion (heart failure, pelvic tumor)
Cervical Cancer
- symptoms: bleeding between menstrual periods or after menopuse, unusual vaginal discharge
- objective: chronic ulcer and induration are early signs of carcinoma although lesion may or may not show on the exocervix
Cadidiasis (Moniliasis)
- yeast infection
- symptoms: intense pruritus, thick whitish discharge
- objective: vulva and vagina are erythematous and edematous. Discharge like cottage cheese
- diagnosed by microscopic examination of discharge on a potassium hydroxide wet mount