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49 Cards in this Set

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when did greek culture flourish
between 750 and 338 BCE
what aspects of the modern world are influenced from ancient greece
greek art, ideas, and writings
what continent is greece located on and what peninsula is it on
it is locates in southern europe, on the balkin peninsula
what is a peninsula
land surrounded by water on 3 sides
wich seas are the greek islands located in
the Agean and the mediteranean seas
what is mainland greece's terrain is like
it is steep rugged and almost entirely surrounded by water
where did greeks live
they live on farms or villages that were seperated from each other
what contributes to the isolation of the communities
mountains and seas (geography)
why do settlements have little communication with each other
because travel was very difficult
why was travel by land especially hard
1.people walked or rode in carts pulled by oxen
2.roads were unpaved
3. wooden wheels break against sharp rocks and get stuck in mud
4.only wealthy had horses to ride
what did inns on main roads provide
they provide only shelter shelters; travelers had to carry their own food and supplies
who carried bedding, food and other necessary goods
slves or pack animals
how did greeks usually travel
they traveled in groups which were usually slower than traveling alone
what did greeks learn to travel in
ships close to shore
what were the seas around greece
South of Greece-Mediterranean sea
East of Greece-Agean sea
West of Greece-Ionian sea
what were the dangers of the sea
1.storms drive ships off cours or smash them in to rocks
2. ships could sink even in open water, so sailors sailed close to land/shore and only during daylight-not at night
what did most people do in greece
they were farmers
why was farming hard
1. the land was mountainous
2 in plaines and valleys the land was rocky and water was scarce
3. no major rivers and rained in winter months
what did farmers have to do to be able to farm
they had to build earth steps to create more land to farm on
what did some farmers grow
wheat and barley
what did most farmers grow and why
most grew crops that needed less room like grapes and olives - uses to produce olive oil, soap, and used as fuel
who did they grow the crops for
farmers grew for food for their families; a small vegtable gadren sometimes a hillside orchard of fruit and nut trees
what did some farmers keep to to polinate their crops
they used honey bees and honey was the best known weetener to the ancient world
what kind of animals would farmers raise
they would raise sheep and goats due to the lack of grazing.
could raise cattle because they
needed flat land
some raised chickens and pigs
what did sheep supply and what did goats supply
sheep supplied wool for clothing and goat provided milk and cheese
what did farmers use for transportation and plowing
they had oxen mules and donkeys
what did shortages of food lead to
it lead to wars between greek settlements;
what did settlements need from other places
they needs food and other goods
what happpened when the population grew beyond production of food
they started colonies
a settlement under the coontrom of usually a distant country
what did greek communities send people to do
to search for new places to farm so food could be grown there and shipped back home
what are people that set up colonies called
what did greeks do before a journey
they would consult an oracle to see if their efforts would be successful or not
what is an oracle
a holy person who the greeks thought could communicate with the gods
when starting a new colony what what greeks gather and why
they brought food and supplies to start a new sacred fire
what were harships greek colonists faced while traveling
long dangerous voyages and finding a suitable location
what did colonists look for while trying to find a new location
1. areas with natural harbors and good farmland
2. areas where the locals might oppose their new colony
3. then builld a colony and make it successful
what was the name of the countries the first group of settlers started
Ionia in asia minor, then in spain, France, Italy, and Africa
what rights did the colonies have
they have the same rights as the people in greece's mainland
what did many settlements relied on
they relied on trade with each other to get needed goods
which settlements were less dependent on trade
the settlements with enough farmland
who did they trade with
among the city states, greek colonies, and across the mediteranean sea
what did people trade
they trades olive oil, pottert, grain, timber, and metal
how were goods transported
on ships
what were ships made of
wood with large cloth sails
what were ships built for
to hold cargo so they didn't go fast
was navigation difficult and why
yes because there were no compasses or maps; only stars to follow
what could stars tell
the boats position but not hazards; no lighthouses to warns dangers on coastline
did trade flourish