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38 Cards in this Set

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causes of the Great Depression:
lack of diversity, lower purchasing power, overstretched credit, lack of trade, huge WWI debt
Bonus Marchers
were forced out of DC when they went ttere to try to get early bonuses
What was the theme of most Hollywood movies?
feel-good, happy ending
Great Dust Bowl
agricultural disaster of the '30s. Okies went to CA.
FDR's policy to get us out of the Great Depression
The New Deal
Black Tuesday
Oct 29, 1929 - the day the stock Market crashed
The Marx Brothers
wrote comedy movies
Shantytowns that formed during the Great Dep.
famous book about the Dust Bowl and the Okies who went to CA
Grapes of Wrath
Hoover refused large __________
government handouts
Hoover's major project
Hoover dam
popular radio adventure shows
Superman and Lone Ranger
Glass-Steagall Act
established FDIC to protect deposits up to $5000
set agricultural limits and subsidized to form parity in prices
Fair Labor Standards Act
national minimum wage, 40-hour work week, strict limits on child labor
Dr. Francis Townsend
he wanted all people 60+ to get a monthly government check
money to states for relief
(Federal Emergency Relief Act)
headed by Harry Hopkins
Bank Holiday
FDR closed all the banks and opened only stable ones afterward
Jack Benny and George Burns
comedy shows on the radio
FDR's famous quote from 1932 inaugural speech:
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
first full-length animated film
Snow White by Disney
term given when congress passed all of FDR's programs
100 days/rubber stamp
How much of the work force was unemployed?
How much of the work force was underemployed?
The ________ regulated the stock market.
SEC - Securities Exchange Commission
Huey "Kingfish" Long
he wanted to "share the wealth" at the expense of the wealthy
National Recovery Act
set codes for production, wages, and prices for businesses
Who ruled against much of FDR's new deal?
The Supreme Court
__________ attacked the new deal because they thought it hurt free enterprise.
American Liberty League lead by DuPonts
CWA (Civil Works Administration)
built roads, schools, and parks. overlapped with the CCC.
Court Packing
term given when FDR tried to change the supreme court
WPA (works progress administration)
renovated public buildings, airports, roads, etc.
CCC (Civil conservation corps)
planted trees, lakes, drain swamps
Unions formed based on type of work. Union for unskilled labor was the __________.
Wagner Act
employers could recognize and negociate with legitimate unions
The 21st amendment repealed
prohibition/ Volstead Act/ 18th amendment
Jobs and cheap source of power in TN/ hydro-dams were built
1935 Social Security Act
gave retirees $15 monthly starting in 1942