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36 Cards in this Set

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Model T
fords first car
Al Capone
famous gangster leader
Samuel Insull
He contributed to creating an integrated electrical infrastructure in the United States. He was also responsible for the building of the Chicago Civic Opera House in 1929.
19th Amendment
gave women the right to vote
Babe Ruth
very famous black baseball player.
Ernest Hemingway
famous author that wrote controversial novels.
Roaring Twenties
the nickname for the 20's because the 20's were new and exciting.
Sacco and Vanzetti
italian nem who were arrested and later executed for robbery and murder.
Clarence Darrow
layer who defended john scopes.
radical group of white supremisists that were against most other people and cultures.
refers to a belief in a strict adherence to specific set of theological doctrines typically in reaction against what are perceived as modern heresies of secularism
Teapot Dome
where the illegal drilling was done.
Albert Fall
took money and in return gave private comapnies the right to drill on public land.
Al Smith
American politician who was elected the 42nd Governor of New York four times, and was the Democratic U.S. presidential candidate in 1928. He was the first Roman Catholic to run for President as a major party nominee. He lost the election to Herbert Hoover
National Women’s Party
a women's organization founded by Alice Paul in 1915 that fought for women's rights during the early 20th century in the United States, particularly for the right to vote on the same terms as men.
Equal Rights Amendment
gave women the right to vote
Charles Lindbergh
first man to make transcontinental flight from new york to paris.
A Mitchell Palmer – “Palmer Raids”
attempts by the United States Department of Justice to arrest and deport left-wing radicals, especially anarchists, from the United States.
Ezra Pound
an American expatriate poet and critic, and a major figure in the early modernist movement in poetry. He became known for his role in developing Imagism, which in reaction to the Victorian and Georgian poets favored tight language, unadorned imagery, and a strong correspondence between the verbal and musical qualities of the verse and the mood it expressed
TS Eliot
Sinclair Lewis
became the first writer from the United States to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new types of characters." His works are known for their insightful and critical views of American society and capitalist values, as well as for their strong characterizations of modern working women.
F Scott Fitzgerald
wrote the great gatsby
Warren Harding
promised a return to "normalcy"; an "America first" campaign that encouraged industrialization and a strong economy independent of foreign influence.
Calvin Coolidge
He embodied the spirit and hopes of the middle class, could interpret their longings and express their opinions. That he did represent the genius of the average is the most convincing proof of his strength."Many later criticized Coolidge as part of a general criticism of laissez-faire government
Herbert Hoover
Hoover, a trained engineer, deeply believed in the Efficiency Movement, which held that government and the economy were riddled with inefficiency and waste, and could be improved by experts who could identify the problems and solve them. When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression with volunteer efforts, none of which produced economic recovery during his term.
the return to the basic fundamentals of american governmant
18th Amendment
prohibits alcohol
Sheppard-Towner Act
providea federal supported aid for mothers and babies
Effects of Organized Labor
better hours and price cuts.
National Origins Quota Act
limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890, down from the 3% cap set by the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, according to the Census of 1890
Fordney-McCumber Act
raised American tariffs in order to protect factories and farms
Yellow dog contracts
an agreement between an employer and an employee in which the employee agrees, as a condition of employment, not to be a member of a labor union
National Womens Party
vouched for womens rights
Marcus Garvey
some random guy
Red Scare
caused by adrew mellon which scared people enough to freak out and have many people arrested.
Andrew Mellon
caused the red scare