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21 Cards in this Set

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When any fuel is burned it consumes oxygen and liberates what


Energy cannot be created nor destroyed only converted from one form to ____

Another if we apply the first law of thermodynamics to sell metabolism it means that bond energy released on foods or cat

If we apply the first law of thermodynamics to cell metabolism it means that bond energy released when foods are catalyzed must be precisely balance by the total energy output of the body. Therefore, energy intake equals what?

Energy output

What is energy output

Energy output includes the energy immediately lost as heat about 60%, the energy used to do work which is driven by ATP and the energy stored as fat or glycogen.

Energy intake is what

The energy liberated during food oxidation

Because losses of organic molecules in urine, feces and sweat or very small and healthy people they are usually ignored in calculating what?

Energy output

Nearly all the energy derived from food stuffs is eventually converted to what?


Heat is lost during what cellular activities?

Every cellular activity including when ATP bonds are formed and when they are broken to do work, as muscles contract, through friction as blood flows through blood vessels

Though cells cannot use heat as energy to do work the heat warms the tissues and blood and helps maintain the homeostatic body temperature that allows what to occur efficiently

Metabolic reactions

Energy storage is an important part of the equation only during periods of what

Growth and net fat deposit

When energy intake and energy output or balance body weight remain stable. When they are not white is either gained or lost unfortunately for many people the body’s weight controlling systems appear to be designed more to protect against weight _____ than weight gain


Body mass index is a formula for determining ____based on a persons weight relative to height


To estimate BMI multiply weight in pounds by what number and then divide by your height in inches squared


What is an overweight BMI

Between 25 and 30 and carries some health risks

Obesity is a BMI greater than what it has markedly increased health risk

Greater than 30

A body fat content of 18 to 20% of body weight is deemed normal for adults. True or false?


Obesity is perplexing and poorly understood however obesity related diseases include what

Chronic low-grade systemic inflammation accompanies obesity and contributes to insulin resistance and type two diabetes, people who are obese also have a higher incidence of arthrosclerosis, hypertension heart disease, and osteoarthritis

In America two out of three adults are what


One out of every three Americans is what


What percentage of American kids are obese today

Over 17%

How is feeding behavior and hunger regulated?

Neural signals from the digestive tract, hormones, and blood levels of nutrients. to a smaller degree, body temperature and psychological factors also play a role