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75 Cards in this Set

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#1 The pharynx allows what to the esophagus
Food and fluids
#2 The pharynx allows what to the trachea
#3 The pharynx has what 2 skeletal muscle layers
Inner longitudinal and outer pharyngeal constrictors
#4 What is the muscular tube goes from the larngopharynx to the stomach, pierces the diaphragm and joins the stomach at the cardiac orfice
#5 What happens to the esophagus when its empty
It folds longitudinally and flattens
#6 What helps move the bolus through the esophagus
Glands secreting mucus
#7 The esophagus changes from___to____
Skeletal (superiorly), smooth muscle (inferiorly)
#8 What is mechanical digetion
#9 What initiates propulsion
#10 What does salivary amylase do
Chemical breakdown of starch
#11 When the bolus is forced into the oropharynx this is called what
Buccal Phase
#12 True or False: The buccal phase is unconscious control
#13 The pharyngeal is esophageal is controlled by what
Medulla and lower pons
#14 How does move through the pharnyx to the esophagus
#15 When is food converted into chyme
#16 How is the stomach supplied the nerves
Sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
#17 The muscularis of the stomach allows what to happen in the stomach
Churn, mix, and pummel food physically
#18 What is epithelial lining of stomach consist of
Goblet cells that produce a coat of alkaline mucus
#19 The gastric pits contain gastic glands that secrete what
Gastric juice, mucus, and gastrin
#20 What secretes acid mucus in the stomach
Mucous neck cell
#21 Parietal cells secrete what
HCl and intrinsic factor
#22 What does chief cells produce
#23 What does enterendocrine cells secrete
Endorphins, serotonin, intrinic factor (Local control of that organ)
#24 What does the stomach mucosal barrier consist of
Thick coat of bicarbonate rich mucus, epithelial cells that join tight junctions and gastric glands that have cell impermeable to HCl
#25 What delivers chyme to the small intestine
#26 How does the stomach digest protein
Enzymatically with pepsin
#27 What is required for absorption of Vit. B 12
Intrinsic Factor
#28 Where is vitamin B 12 absorbed
#29 What regulates the release of gastric juice
Neural and hormonal mechanisms
#30 What are the 3 phases of stimulatory and inhibitory events
Cephalic (reflex), gastric, and intestinal
#31 What are the excitatory events of the cephalic phase
Sight or thought of food and stimulation of taste or smell
#32 Inhibitory events of the cephalic phase are what
loss of appetite or depression abd decrease in stimulation of parasympathetic division
#33 What are the excitatory events of the gastric phase
Stomach distension, activation of stretch receptors and chemoreceptors and release of gastrin into blood
#34 What are the inhibitory events of the gastric phase
Lower pH than 2, emotional upset overrides parasympathetic
#35 What are the exitatory events of the intestinal phase
lower pH, partially digested food enters duodenum, encourage gastric juice activity
#36 What are the inhibitory events of the instestinal phase
Distension of duodenum, presence of fatty, acidic or hypertonic chyme and/or irritants, closes pyloric sphincter
#37 What is plasticity of the stomach
Ability for the stomach to stretch and contract to the size of meal ingested to keep the same pressure
#38 Where does the most peristalsis and mixing occur
Near the Pylorus
#39 True or False: The chyme is delivered in small amounts to the duodenum
#40 Why is chyme forced backward into the stomach
Further mixing
#41 What regulates gastric emptying
Neural enterogastric reflex and hormonal mechanisms
#42 True or False: Neural and hormonal allow more gastric secretion and duodenal filling
False, they inhibit those activities
#43 True or False carbohydrate cyhme moves quickly through the duodenum
#44 Fat-laden chyme is digested more__ causing food to remain in the stomach longer
#45 How many subdivisions are there of the small instestine? What are they?
3, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
#46 Where do the bile and pancreatic duct join
Hepatopancreatic ampulla
#47 What controls the bile and pancreatic ducts
Sphincter of Oddi
#48 Where does ileum join the large intestine
Ileocecal valve
#49 What is the main function of the small instestine
#50 Pancreas is very corrosive and breaksdown what
All food types
#51 The small instestine epithelium of the mucosa is made up of what
Absorptive and goblet cells, enteroendocrine, and T cells
#52 The Peyer's patches are found in the ileum and prevent what
Back spread of bacteria from Lg. instestine
#53 Brunner's glands secrete what in the duodenum
Alkaline mucus to neutralize chyme
#54 Inestinal juice is made up of what
Largely water, enzyme poor, and mucus
#55 What is the largest gland
#56 How many lobes does the liver have? What are they?
4, right, left, caudate, quadrate
#57 What does falciform ligament separate
Right and left lobe
#58 On the liver the ligamentum teres has the remnant of what
Fetal umbilical vein
#59 What anchors the liver to the stomach
Lesser Omentum
#60 Where do the hepatic blood vessels enter the liver
Porta hepatis
#61 Which 2 ducts form the bile duct
Common hepatic and cystic ducts
#62 The central vein on the liver is where what occurs
#63 Where are the portal triads found
At each of the six corners of each liver lobule
#64 What are 3 things consist of portal triad
Bile duct, hepatic artery, and hepatic portal vein
#65 What does the hepatic artery supply to the liver
Oxygen rich blood
#66 What carries venous blood with nutrients from the digestive viscera to the liver
Hepatic portal vein
#67 What is significant about liver sinusoids
Enlarged, leaky capillaries
#68 Kupffer cells are ___ ____ found in liver sinusoids
Hepatic macrophages
#69 What includes production of bile, processing bloodborne nutrients, storage of fat soluble vits, and detoxification
Hepatocyte function
#70 What is the composition of the bile
Yellow-green alkaline solution
#71 What is a function of bile
Emulsify fat
#72 What is the chief pigment of bile
Bilirubin, a waste product of heme
#73 What does the gallbladder store
Bile by absorbing its water and ions
#74 How does the gallbladder release bile
Cystic duct, which flows into the bile duct
#75 What does the cholecystokinin (CCK) cause
Gallbladder to contract and hepatopancreatic sphincter to relax