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27 Cards in this Set

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Walter Lafeber
A historian who said that the United States did not suddenly decide to adopt expansionism, the idea was growing for a while.
Monroe Doctrine
Doctrine put up by Secretary of State Monroe that basically told all European powers to not get involved in affairs in the Americas. It told them to stay in their hemisphere.
The idea of staying out of any foreign entanglements. Not getting involved with anyone or anything.
The control of other peoples through annexation, military conquest, or economic domination.
Josiah Strong
A congregational minister who supported expansionism and though that the idea would make the country stronger.
"Our Country"
A book published by Strong. It called upon foreign missions to civilize the world under Anglo-Saxon races.
William Henry Seward
Negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia with the hope of annexing Canada.
Queen Liliuokalani
Strong nationalist who drafted a new constitution giving more power to native Hawaiians. Was ousted by marines during a bloodless revolution.
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Naval strategist who argued for the creation of a new modern U.S. navy.
Cultural Diffusion
the spreading of culture and ideas, mainly through trade
George Dewey
Commodore of the Asiatic Fleet who crushed the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Manila Bay. Opened the Philippines up for U.S. takeover.
McKinley Tariff
Allowed reciprocity deals which led to greater exports of American flour, grain, meat, iron, and machinery.
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
Caused export levels to drop dramatically by ending reciprocity completely.
Valeriano Weyler
Spanish General in charge of Cuba. Used concentration camps and starvation to kill off the Cuban insurgents.
Yellow Journalism
Journalism that sells stories just for the sake of selling more newspapers. Did not care whether the stories had any truth to them or not.
USS Maine
U.S. warship that blew up in Havana Harbor. Press automatically blamed the explosion on the Spanish.
Reconcentration Policy
The policy imposed by Gen. Weyler, relocating populations to camps to watch them. Prevent civilians from helping the enemy.
Teller Amendment
The United States pledged that it had no intention of annexing Cuba. It simply wanted to free Cuba from Spain.
"Splendid Little War"
A name given to the Spanish-American War. War ended with large gains for the U.S., with few losses.
San Juan Hill
Rough Riders were caught up at the top of the hill. Black Regiments charged uphill to save the Rough Riders from a Spanish assault.
Treaty of Paris 1898
U.S. paid Spain $20 million. Spain ceded Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Granted Cuba independence.
Charles Francis Adams
Argued against becoming an empire and taking colonies. Claimed that colonies meant big armies, government, and debts.
Anti-Imperialist League
A group that was formed to fight against the Treaty of Paris. Did not want the terms that would effectively make the United States an empire.
Foraker Act
Established civil government in Puerto Rico. Made the people citizens of Puerto Rico and set up a system for councils.
Platt Amendment
Added to the Constitution of Cuba effectively making Cuba completely dependent on the United States, though they were supposed to be independent.
Open Door Policy
Notes from Secretary of State John Hay. The notes were sent to England, Germany, Russia, France, Japan, and Italy. Sought to disband "spheres of influence." Wanted equal trade oppurtunities in China for all nations.
John Hay
Secretary of State that worked for Open Door Policy. Wanted to allow American trade in China by getting other major nations to agree to getting rid of their "spheres of influence."