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14 Cards in this Set

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what were the reactions of the north and south when Missouri applied as a slave state?

northerners opposed this because missouri was north of the Ohio River. the balance between free and slave states would be disturbed. southerners favored this.

which side favored the Tallmadge amendment? why?

the North favored the Talmage Amendment because Missouri would be a free state and slavery would be kept out of the north

what were the two parts of the Missouri Compromise?

the Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri in as a slave state and Maine as a free state. an imaginary line was drawn to mark the border between the areas.

why was the Missouri Compromise created, and how did the sides react?

this compromise was created to keep the balance equal. both sides do not really favor this but the South won because Missouri was north of the boundary line

what was the Wilmot Proviso?

it banned slavery in the Mexican Cession. (Didnt happen)

what were the reactions of the north and the south? (Wilmot Proviso)

the north favored this because they didn't want slavery expanding west. the south said Congress had no right to tell slave holders where they could take their property

what was the norths reaction to John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry?

some thought Brown was crazy but others saw him as a hero

what was the Souths reaction? (John Brown raid)

the south was outraged at the support from the north. they suspected that northerners were trying to end slavery legally, and that would encourage slave uprisings in the south

what was the Dred Scott case?

Dred Scott a slave traveled with his master to Wisconson for a 2 month stay. he argued that his stay in a free state made in a free man so he sued and went to court.

what were the two main parts in the Dred Scott decision?

1. Scott nor any African American cannot sue for freedom they were not citizens. scotts stay in Wisconsin did not make him a free man because the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional 2. Congress could not ban slavery in the western territories

what was included in the Kansas Nebraska Act?

Kansas and Nebraska citizens would decide if they would have slavery

who was John Brown? what did he do?

John Brown, a northerner, invaded an arsenal with his sons and attempted to arm each slave with a weapon. his attempt failed and he was arrested and executed. he killed five settlers at the Pottawatomie river. this event was known as "Bloody Kansas".

what was the compromise of 1850? which part was controversial?

California was admitted as a free state. new western territories would decide on slavery by popular sovereignty. slave trade in Washington DC was ended. the added strong Fugitive Slave Law was controversial.

how did the states react to the compromise of 1850 and how effective was it?

again neither side was too pleased. the South begin to talk of peacefully seceding. the North didn't want to enforce the fugitive slave law and southerners wanted it enforced more.