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39 Cards in this Set

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Which started first: the northern renaissance or that in the south?
The South, but in a short period of time, the renaissance in the north had established its identity
For the most part, Northern European countries were _______ as those in the south
not as technologically advnaced
The northern renaissance was more of a _____________ than just a rebirth of classical ideas
a blend of old and new ideas
Where did students from England, Holland, France, and Germany go? Why? What did the cirriculums expand upon?
Italy, for new learning
The study of Greek and Hebrew
Because of the stronger role of ________, these northern humanists were also known as_____
Christian Humanists
Christian Humanists studied _____ and ______ texts to better understand Christianity
Greek and Hebrew texts
what time period of Christianity did Christian humanists stress?
early christianity
Why did Christian humanists criticize scholasticism?
For their lack of knowlege of the clergy, and they wanted them to have a deeper religion
Christian humanists rejected medival focus on the afterlife and focused instead on balance between __________ and ____________
earthly pleasures and heavenly wants
During the Renaissance, ______ was the largest state in Europe
Holy Roman Empire
The Holy Roman empire was composed of over ____ political entities
The Emperor Maximillian arranged for his son _______ to marry _______ daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, who had a son __________, who became emperor and most powerful man in europe
JOhn Reuchlin 1455-1522
educated by Brethern of Common Life
studied in Italy, so was familiar with humanism
advocated learning hebrew to learn scripture
Caritas Prickheimer
came from an influential family of humanists

communicated ideas with many of her time period including Erasmus
humble, refused to acknowlege her wisdom
_______ and ______ Germany were economically developed, but _____ of the river they were ___________ to develop
western southern
east slow
After the Hundred Years' War the king of France (Louis XI) emerged as
the strongest monarch in Europe with huge territorial resources at his disposal
Were French scholars influenced by the new Italian system of education? what did they think of it, in terms of relation to society?
yes. they saw it as a way of correcting the problems of society
Jaques Lefevre d'Etaples applied ____________ to _______________
humanism to religion
Francois Rabelais 1483-1553
wrote 2 satirical storie Gargantua (1532) and Pantaguel (1534) a tale about 2 giants who lived lives enjoying worldly views and pleasures
condemned corruption of the clergy
essayist who stressed tolerance, for no one could really know the truth
"Que sais-je"
Years prior to the accession of the ________ were tumultuos times in England. Which wars did England face prior to this?
100 Years War
War of the Roses
Navigation act of 1485 encouraged
development of a merchant fleet
What did the Tudors do to England's military?politically?
turned it into great power (both)
What was the condition of England when Henry VIII(1509-1547)inherited it?
What did the adventurous young man do with it?
a stable country and a strong economy
he depleated it in extravagant military endeavors
Geoffry Chaucer
1st important person in Enlish Renaissance literature
wrote Cantebury tales, a great insight into human nature and criticized clergy
John Colet
dean of St paul's School
emphasized study of Greek and latin
another northern humanist who studied in Italy
Thomas More
England's greatest humanist
defended Catholic Church and even its practice's
Wrote Utopia in 1516

said desire for property and profit caused evil and vices
Beheaded by Henry VIII for not compromising his reigious beliefs when he wanted a divorce
Edmund Spencer
Most significant poet of the period
wrote Faerie Queen 1596
Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593
leading playwright and poet
Shakespeare 1564-1616
maybe greatest English writer
many of his works are centered in Italy and demonstrate influence of Italian thought
mystics like Thomas a Kempis believed that the human soul could ______ _____ ___. this would become a seed for future religious issues
communicate with god
1466-1536 "Prince of Humanists" most well-respected man in Europe.
deep appreciation of the classics. Influenced by Colet and More

Wanted to reform Church within

thought that church was a personal matter
What were Erasmus' 2 main themes?
education is the means to reform

"The philosophy of Christ" Christianity is an inner feeling
2 books that Erasmus wrote
Handbook of a Christian soldier and The Praise of Folly
Erasmus initially supported Luther, but
gradually distanced hiimself fomr Lutherans
Was the Renaissance in Spain like the one Italy?
Northern artists emphasized _____ and quickly broke away from the traditional religious styles
Northern artists were more _______ than their southern counterparts
Northern artists focused on _____, ________, ___________
middle class, wealthy patrons, and more secular subject matter